Professor Royale Robotic Process Automation Final Presentation Group Members: Matt Kimble, Deepti Konduru, Ricky Han
Automation Goal Make informed decisions before registering for class Automate professor review checking process using RPA software Ui Path - Community Edition Various review sites including Koofers, OurUmd, RateMyProfessors
Steps of Automation Write a CSV file of classes you want to take in one column. Search each class in testudo’s ‘Schedule of Classes’ to get names of all professors that will be teaching it. Open an Excel workbook, create a new sheet for every class, scrape data from testudo and enter. Go through sheets, and professors, search up each professor on RateMyProfessors, if there are no search results, they are skipped, if not their “Overall Quality” is extracted and saved. End - CSV file, each row is “Professor, Rating, Class”
Recorded Demo
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