Ocr Entry Level Certificate Physical Education
About the qualification The emphasis is on inclusion and participation within physical activities. There is some overlap of content with GCSE PE, although the assessment requirements are different. Progression – this ELC is a general qualification designed to enable learners to progress either directly to employment or to Foundation level courses.
Prior KNOWLEDGE Enables candidates to build on early experiences at KS1 and KS2 in order to further develop and apply their knowledge, skill and understanding of PE through participating in a range of practical activities.
Specification Candidates are assessed in four practical activities. Candidates take part in at least one Team and one Individual activity. 80% Practical (20 marks each practical activity) 20% Analysing performance (20 marks)
Team Activities Basketball Cricket Football Hockey Rounders Tag-Rugby
Individual Activities Athletics Boccia Dance Gymnastics Tennis Trampolining
Overview 12 Activities taught over 2 years 1 Activity per half-term
EXAMPLE Candidates are assessed on their performance in Four practical activities e.g. A candidate could be assessed in the following physical activities: Basketball (Team) Cricket (Team) Tag-Rugby (Team) Tennis (Individual)
Thresholds 40% Entry Level 1 Awarded 60% Entry Level 2 Awarded
Level 1 Practical Performance Limited basic skills and techniques Skills lack consistency Require guidance Limited accuracy, control and fluency Analysing Performance Limited understanding of basic skills/techniques required Limited ability to identify strengths and weaknesses Limited ability to suggest how to improve performance
Level 2 Practical Performance Can perform basic skills and techniques Sometimes applies these skills in conditioned competitive situations Demonstrates some accuracy, control and fluency Analysing Performance Reasonable understanding of basic skills/techniques required Able to identify strengths and weaknesses Makes reasonable suggestions how to improve performance
Level 3 Practical Performance Can perform increasing range of skills and techniques Consistently applies these skills in conditioned competitive situations Maintains accuracy, control and fluency Analysing Performance Demonstrates good understanding of basic skills/techniques required Can describe in detail strengths and weaknesses Makes appropriate suggestions how to improve performance
Example Basketball 17/20 Cricket 15/30 Football 18/20 Trampolining 16/20 Analysing Performance (Football 16/20) Total = 82% Entry Level 3 Awarded
Moderation Internally assessed work will be externally moderated A) Moderator will visit and observe candidates taking part in practical activities B) Moderator will notify school of the sample of candidates they wish to see and which activities and roles. DVD recording will be used to evidence the mark awarded for these candidates
How The Timetable might look 2019/20 Autumn Term – Football and Trampolining Spring Term – Basketball and Gymnastics Summer Term – Cricket and Athletics 2020/21 Autumn Term – Tag-Rugby and Boccia Spring Term – Hockey and Dance Summer Term – Rounders and Tennis
Questions Thank you for listening, if anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
Duke of Edinburgh 20 x 2 hour sessions over 2 years including overnight expedition The Duke of Edinburgh programme allows students to achieve an Award that is an adventure from the start to the finish, offering new experiences and challenges that provide a sense of achievement and help to improve confidence. The Award is well recognised and highly regarded by employers, colleges and Universities.
Bronze Award SECTIONS Physical - To improve physical fitness by taking part in physical activity that can also help students prepare fully for their expeditions. It is important for students to have an achievable aim to be able to work towards. Skills - To develop practical and social skills in a personal interest. By choosing to develop and improve upon a skill students will be improving their self esteem and independence. Volunteering - Is about making a difference to people's lives and changing things for the better. Students could do anything from helping around school, helping the elderly to completing conservation work. Expedition - The expedition section often leaves students with many memories of their new experiences. During the Bronze Award they will complete two expeditions with a journey that will take them walking in the countryside, camping and having to work together as a team where there will be lots of decisions to be made. It is a challenge that the team will face together and have lots of fun and life experience along the way.
Open Awards Units Personal Health Participation in Team Activities Eating a Balanced Diet Health and Fitness Exploring Dance
Personal Health Entry Level 1/2 Understand what is meant by good health Know important aspects of keeping healthy Know causes of illness Know what to do in the case of illness and injury
Participation in Team Activities Entry Level 1/2 Know why teamwork may be necessary Recognise members of a team Understands roles and responsibilities of a team Review performance of a team
Eating a balance diet Entry Level 1/2 Understand what makes a balanced diet Understand what is meant by healthy eating Know how to prepare a balanced meal Understand the need for basic food hygiene
Health and Fitness Entry Level 1/2 Recognise the importance of exercise Recognise the correct clothing to be worn when participating in exercise Take part in an exercise programme
Exploring Dance Entry Level 1/2 Be able to move in response to sound Be able to move in space Be able to make Dance movements
questions Thank you for listening, if anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.