Building up of an anticipated event and letting the audience linger, not knowing exactly what will happen or when it will be discovered. Creating and maintaining a feeling of anxiousness in an audience. The feeling of excitement over the expected or unknown circumstances in a plot.
A hint or warning about future events. Words or symbols placed to give insight into the future development of a plot. Purposely placed clue about future events that may not be recognized until the event has come to pass.
Images that are purposefully placed to represent a larger idea. An item, character, location, colour, or idea that reflects a crucial theme or understanding. An object that has meaning greater than itself.
Juxtaposition The placing of two (or more) things together. Emphasising or creating deeper meaning through the placing of seemingly disconnected images. Placing thematically linked scenes or images together purposefully. Juxtaposition
Irony: Verbal – Saying one thing when clearly the opposite is meant. Dramatic – A character is oblivious to the knowledge that the audience has. Situational – An event occurs that is opposite from the expected outcome.