English 3 CP Vocabulary Unit 6
1. harried
1. harried To be troubled or bothered
2. irascible
2. irascible Easily angered; irritable
3. congenial
3. congenial Pleasant to be around; social; agreeable
4. boisterous
4. boisterous Rowdy
5. chimerical
5. chimerical Bizarre; far out
6. vertigo
6. vertigo The sensation of dizziness; a confused, disoriented state of mind
7. fallacious
7. fallacious False; wrong; incorrect
8. impasse
8. impasse Dead end; impassable
9. zeal
9. zeal Enthusiasm
10. berate
10. berate To scold severely
11. deposition
11. deposition Witness’s testimony
12. immaculate
12. immaculate Clean and free from blemishes Showing faultless perfection
13. qualm
13. qualm A misgiving, doubt, or bad feeling
14. apparition
14. apparition An unexpected sight A ghost
15. befouled
15. befouled Dirty or impure