LAX Project Zenaida A. Barredo Alley Cheung Arsen Der-Aphrahamian Lucy Harutyunyan Lernik Rostami Gevik Shahverdi
Why Tom Bradley ? It's an international terminal. Therefore, it is very busy most of the time, and there are enough passengers to sample for our project.
What was measured ….. Loading/Unloading time Number of cars passing by vs. stopping at departure Means of transportation (taxi, bus, shuttle, private car) Reason of trip (vacation vs. business) Local vs. visiting passengers
What we found out… Taxis do not create traffic. In fact, private cars create the traffic because: They are lost Loading/unloading takes longer Saying good bye to their relatives (hugging, emotions, etc.) which is time consuming Also, taxis have specific spots to load/unload passengers and luggages
Video Video
Layout of LAX
Methodology Surveys with taxi drivers & traffic enforcement officers. Compared cars passing by and cars stopping. Measured loading and unloading time. Survey with passengers to establish what determines decision in their choice of transportation. Quantitative Measures- Anova, Binomial, F-test, Inference about Pairs of treatment Means.
Probabilities of Vehicles to take <1minute to load/unload
Probabilities of Vehicles to take 1.1-2 minutes to Load/Unload
Probabilities of Vehicles to take >2 minutes to load/unload
Probabilities of Vehicles Stopping By
Probabilities of Vehicles Passing By
ANOVA Departure SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance Taxi 44 3865 87.84091 3429.579 Shuttles 33 1577 47.78788 1243.047 Private 38 5587 147.0263 24262.51 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 178573.6 2 89286.79 9.21702 0.000197 3.077309 Within Groups 1084962 112 9687.164 Total 1263536 114
ANOVA Arrival SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance Taxi 60 2666 44.43333 737.3345 Private 76 8653 113.8553 10045.41 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 161591.8 1 27.17164 6.88E-07 3.911795 Within Groups 796908.1 134 5947.076 Total 958499.9 135
Box plot comparison of 115 observations loading and unloading times for Taxis, shuttles and POVs Departure area
Box plot comparison of 137 observations loading and unloading times for Taxis and POVs Arrival area
Anova- Taxi vs Non-Taxi SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance count of ppl took taxi 21 59 2.8095238 1.261905 count of ppl did not take taxi 29 74 2.5517241 1.970443 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 0.809491 1 0.483215 0.490321 4.042652 Within Groups 80.41051 48 1.6752189 Total 81.22 49
Anova- Local vs. Visitors SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance count of ppl local 34 84 2.470588235 0.923351159 count of ppl visitors 33 81 2.454545455 0.943181818 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 0.00431 1 0.004310001 0.004618944 0.946024 3.98856 Within Groups 60.65241 65 0.933113945 Total 60.65672 66
Anova- Business vs. Vacation SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance count of ppl on business 19 42 2.210526 0.508772 count of ppl on vaca 31 91 2.935484 2.195699 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 6.191138 1 3.960804 0.052283 4.042652 Within Groups 75.02886 48 1.563101 Total 81.22 49
ANOVA- Taxi vs. Private Car Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance Taxi 60 2666 44.43333 737.3345 Private 76 8653 113.8553 10045.41 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 161591.8 1 27.17164 6.88E-07 3.911795 Within Groups 796908.1 134 5947.076 Total 958499.9 135
Comparison of 50 observations based on three different categories Passengers (groups) who took a taxi vs. passengers who chose other vehicles Local passenger (groups) vs. visitors Business travelers vs. leisure travelers (count of parties)
Box plot comparison of 50 observations based on three different categories Passengers (groups) who took a taxi vs. passengers who other vehicles Local passenger (groups) vs. visitors Business travelers vs. leisure travelers (count of parties)
Conclusion No conclusion on why travelers chose to take taxi Failed to find a relationship between Locals vs. Visitors Business vs. Leisure Taxi Cab vs. Other Transportations Thus, these factors do not matter Private cars are the most counted to load/unload passengers Private vehicles take a significantly longer time to load and unload Traffic congestion in LAX is mainly caused by private cars not taxi cabs
Recommendations Increase uniformed personnel/traffic coordinators Limit the loading and unloading time at curbside to 2 minutes Strictly enforce traffic regulations Set up electronic signs Send out traffic alerts within LAX Provide alternate location for passengers in tour groups Provide 15 minutes free parking