Rebbetzin Rivkah By: Rivkah Sternberg
Her Family רביצין רבקה אלטער רבי ר' שניאור זלמן רביצין סטערנא מיטעלער רבי ר' דובער רביצין שיינא רביצין דבורה לאה ר' אהרן רביצין שרה רביצין חי' מושקא צמח צדק ר' מנחם מענדל רביצין רבקה רבי מהר"ש ר' שמוא-ל מרת חי' מושקא מרת דבורה לאה הר' מנחם מענדל הר' אברהם סענדער הר' שלום דובער הר' שניאור זלמן אהרן
A Story Once, when Rebbetzin Rivkah was about 18 years old, she became not well.
So she went to the doctor So she went to the doctor. The doctor said that she should eat breakfast first thing in the morning.
She always davened before she ate She always davened before she ate. So she woke up extra early to daven before she ate so she would still eat early.
Her father-in-law, the Tzemach Tzedek, said, “Mitzvos have to be with chayus. In order to do mitzvos with chayus, you need to be strong and happy. It’s better to eat so that you could daven, than daven so that you could eat.”
Lesson We could learn from this story that we also should do mitzvos with a chayus. How? We have to eat well to be strong and we should do the mitzvos with simcha. We should eat before we daven so we should have enough koach to daven. (But you shouldn't have a big meal that gets you distracted from davening.)
Yud Shevat On Yud Shevat 5674, after she said the Shma and Shmone Esrai, she passed away. She was buried in Lubavitch. In 5710, the Frierdiker Rebbe wrote the maamar, Bosie Ligani, for her yartzeit.
In her Memory The Frierdiker Rebbe named Bais Rivkah after his grandmother Rebbitzin Rivkah. And a lot of Rivkahs are named after her.