Update on Osteopathic Development Group (ODG) activities Maurice Cheng and Tim Walker Chief Executive, BOA and Chief Executive, GOsC
Recap – eight key projects Evidence Service standards Advanced practice Regional support Mentoring Career development Leadership International collaboration
Project Aims Evidence Develop the evidence base for osteopathy by systematically collecting Patient Reported Outcome and Patient Reported Experience data (known as PROMs/PREMs) and creating a vehicle for anonymous reporting of adverse events Service Standards Developing clear service quality standards for osteopathic service providers that would support those practitioners who wish to contract with the NHS or obtain a ‘kite mark’
Project Aims Mentoring Provide the opportunity for new practitioners to access high-quality mentoring to ensure that recent graduates are able to develop and sustain themselves in practice and do not become isolated Leadership Consider the potential for an osteopathic leadership academy that would support the development of leadership skills within the osteopathic profession
Project Aims Advanced Practice Develop means of quality assuring and accrediting advanced clinical training (accredited specialist practice). The project would identify the most appropriate ways of assessing and recognising advanced practice for the benefit of patients and practitioners. This project might also embrace wider aspects of the quality assurance of CPD/postgraduate course provision Career Development Explore the potential for and the criteria required for an ‘Osteopathic Fellowship’ award which might comprise a number of pathways, including: accredited specialist practice; research; education; and clinical or professional leadership
Project Aims Regional Support Work with the regional osteopathic societies to identify how they can grow their activities and membership to support the delivery of CPD and act as a local community hub International Collaboration Develop stronger international links and alliances to ensure that the UK profession shares best practice in promotional, clinical, educational and research activities with the osteopathic community around the world
What has happened since March Osteopathic Development Group (ODG) has met twice Project leads have worked up projects into project initiation documents (‘PIDs’) GOsC Council has approved a funding mechanism Matthew Rogers appointed as overall project manager
PIDs Clearer definition of purpose of projects and their scope Outline project methodology Project milestones and plans Important part of the process of ensuring that all parties have clear expectations of what is being done
GOsC funding criteria Council agreed to consider applications for funding projects, where they: Are within the scope of the ODG projects Have a public /patient benefit Have cross-professional applicability Are collaborative in their approach Have clarity of outcome
Next steps Engagement with key groups – including today Seeking to ensure wider input from registrants in the activities Identifying resources – people, money, ‘path finder’ groups to be involved Ongoing monitoring of projects by ODG
Your task today Split into four breakout groups Discuss the Project Initiation Documents (PIDs) as they currently stand Come back with any questions/proposals for improvement you feel necessary Report back to all of us
Groups I Red group – projects: Evidence and International collaboration Leads – Carol Fawkes and Elena Ward (NCOR), Sarah Eldred (GOsC) Blue group – projects: Advanced Practice; Career Development; Mentoring Leads – Ben Katz, Nadine Hobson (OA), Matthew Rogers (ODG Project Development Manager)
Groups II Yellow group – Projects: Service Standards and Leadership Leads – Tim Walker (GOsC), Marina Urquhart-Pullen (BOA) Green group – Project: Regional Support Leads – Maurice Cheng (BOA), Brigid Tucker (GOsC)
Group discussions Views on Scope Aim Methodology What concerns or sensitivities exist in this area? What opportunities are there for Regional Societies in this area? Are there any Regional Societies willing to pilot elements of these projects as they develop?