“Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area” (INNOV8) THE EUROPEAN UNION’S CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION PROGRAMME “Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area” (INNOV8) A project implemented by: This project is funded by the European Union EuroPartners Development
Objective Contribute to increased competitiveness & trade in CBC area, through facilitating transfer of know-how and technologies among start-ups and SMEs Specific Objective: Establishment of innovation support infrastructure for transfer of know-how and technologies among start-ups and SMEs between Macedonia and Albania.
Partners EuroPartners Development (LP) National Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation from Albania (PP) National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning from Macedonia Fund for Innovation and Technological Development from Macedonia Partners
Target Group 2 universities, research centres, First Level 2 universities, research centres, educational institutions Second Level start-ups SMEs in CBC area Third Level municipalities and regional authorities, chambers of commerce and associations of businesses.
INNOV8 Methodology Research Capacity Building Sub-Granting Networking
Research Study – WP1 Study-WP1 StudyWP3 2 Meta-analysis on present innovation status and studies in MK and AL Study-WP1 1 Research on innovation potential in the CBC area on Albanian side 2 Feasibility study for establishing CBC innovation hubs in target areas StudyWP3 Studies completed from June – December 2018 in three languages (ALB, ENG, MKD) 2 Business Strategy for functioning innovation hub in CBC area
Research Snapshot of studies www.innov8cbc.com
Capacity Building Establish cross-border innovation platform Organized 2 inception meetings with universities (“Fan Noli” in Korca & “St. Kliment Ohridski’’ in Ohrid), Part of working groups are ( Municipality of Korca & Ohrid, Chamber of Commerce in Korca, Regional Council of Korca, research centres/NGOs in CBC areas
Capacity Building MoU on the innovation hubs between two Universities is finalized and approved. The signing ceremony will take place in February Innovation hub in University “Fan Noli “ in Korca is furnished
Memorandum of Understanding MoU is worthwhile under higher education law regulations in both countries, including all empowered internal or respective institutional organization charts. The two Parts/Beneficiaries will share the advanced know-how technologies Promote Start-Ups and SMEs in local and regional events. Organize interactive events, business presentations, demo-days where Start-Ups exhibit their ideas, projects and products. Lobbying of new ideas to appropriate authorities for their advancement. Enhance the cooperation among stakeholders and support new ideas for further investment. Establish professional regional networks.
Innovation hub in Ohrid Equipment, furniture and works have been procured and the innovation hub is expected to be refurbished by the end of February '19
Capacity Building 2 part-time University staff selected in Innovation hub in Korca 2 part-time University staff in Ohrid expected to be selected in February Part-time staff will provide services such as: Help start -ups with business basics Develop with students networking activities Provide marketing assistance to SME/ start-ups Market research when is required Market the new idea and urge their development Develop presentation and managerial skills to run a business. Create business plans Organize innovation eco-system workshops Conduct regional competition and fundraising Develop new innovation teaching materials
Working Group established in Korca Innovation Hub at University Chamber of Commerce in Korca Municipality of Korca Researchers NGOs in Korca Prefecture of Korca Regional Council of Korca
Project Logo Logo INNOV8 - approved by project partners and is being registered to the General Directorate of Patent and Trademark The Ohrid Lake is the common symbol
Promotional materials to be produced in February once INNOV8 Logo will be registered Notebook E-bulletin Pens T-shirts Hats TV Advertisement facebook
Sub-Granting Sub-Granting to 10 start-ups /SMES initatives in CBC area 5000 € Due in February -March ‘19 Provide mentoring to selected grantees Due in April – December ‘19 Demo Days for grantees’ mini-project ToR for the sub-grantees are being drafted and will be discussed/finalised with Working Groups in February. The call due to be launched in February.
Communication/PR of Innovation Hubs Conference TV Advertisement Promotional materials (pen, notebooks, leaflets) Innovation Hub
INNOV8 At the end of project there will be at least: 2 promoted innovation hubs ( eco-system) 5 – 10 supported innovative ideas two established working group 4 produced studies University staff capacity bult Extended network