Welcome We will tap your expertise to develop tips to write TIPS. Review the questions on the tables. Select one of interest to you to begin. You will be able to contribute tips for four different questions. Thank you!
We want to tap into your expertise! We know how much knowledge is in the room. We want to learn from each other. We are honored to learn with you. Mary Alice Deike, Ed.D. Barbara (Bobbie) Gideon, Ed.D.
World Cafe There is a question on your table. You will have 10 minutes to discuss. There will be 4 rounds of conversations. Choose a scribe who will record responses on the chart paper provided. At the end of each 10 minute discussion, each table will assign a table host who stays with the question. (S)He welcomes the next group, and briefly explains the previous round. All other members of the group move to another “tip” of their choice.
More tips We will compile this information and TCDSS will send it out to you. If you have more ideas or we can be of help to you please contact us Bobbie- bhgideon19@gmail.com Mary Alice- maryalicedeike@gmail.com Thank you for all you do!