12.3 Portable Sources of Electrical Energy: Electric Cells An electric cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
Portable Sources of Electrical Energy: Electric Cells An electric cell is made up of two electrodes in a conducting solution, or electrolyte. The electrodes are made of two different conductive metals. Video Link
Portable Sources of Electrical Energy: Electric Cells A battery is two or more electric cells linked together.
Portable Sources of Electrical Energy: Electric Cells
Portable Sources of Electrical Energy: Electric Cells
Portable Sources of Electrical Energy: Fuel Cells A fuel cell is an electric cell that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electrical energy.
Portable Sources of Electrical Energy: Fuel Cells A fuel cell is an electric cell that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electrical energy.
Portable Sources of Electrical Energy: Fuel Cells Unlike other electric cells, a fuel cell requires a continuous supply of fuel (hydrogen and oxygen) and produces a waste product (water). The hydrogen used in fuel cells comes from fossil fuels (coal and petroleum) because hydrogen does not exist in elemental form on Earth. The process of removing hydrogen from fossil fuels requires lots of energy, produces pollution, and contributes to climate change.
Portable Sources of Electrical Energy: Solar Photovoltaic Cells A photovoltaic cell is a device that converts light into electrical energy directly. When sunlight shines on a photovoltaic cell, the cell is called a solar photovoltaic cell.