Mid-Term Report: Grab your iPads and Keyboards!
Name your Document: LastFirstMidtermQ1 Formatting
Formatting Header—Page Number and Last Name (In Document Setup) Heading: Your Name Miss Giesler Midterm Report September 28, 2017 Formatting
Formatting Center your Title Title it Midterm Report Indent first paragraph You’re ready to roll! Formatting
Talk about the beginning of the year so far. What’s new this year with the school, yourself, classes, and/or extracurriculars? Have you started off well in classes? Paragraph 1
What is something you have learned so far in each class? Paragraph 2
What is your favorite class so far? Why? Least favorite? Why? Paragraph 3
What is something you are looking forward to this year? Paragraph 4
What is something you will need to work on the rest of the year as far as… Classes? Behavior? Extracurriculars? Paragraph 5
What is something you will need to work on the rest of the year as far as… Reading? Writing? Anything else in this class? Paragraph 6
What is something you want Miss Giesler to know What is something you want Miss Giesler to know? (Yes, this is mandatory) Paragraph 7
We will upload these to Google Classroom tomorrow in class. Happy Writing! Finally…