Do Now – 4/4 & 4/5 Complete the Show Me What You Know. Then, answer the Do Now on the worksheet. HW: Video Lesson 5.10 – Scientific Revolution Show Me What You Know/Do Now (25 min) Opening Discussion (10 min) 95 Theses Categorization (40 min) Exit Ticket (5 min)
Our Goals Objectives Essential Questions SWBAT Categorize excerpts from Martin Luther’s 95 Theses in order to deduce the goals of the Protestant Reformation and predict their effects on European society in the 16th Century. What did Martin Luther argue in his 95 Theses? How did the 95 Theses change European society in the 16th Century?
Opening Discussion What were Martin Luther’s goals in his 95 Theses? What categories can you see emerging from this list? What were the major shifts? Write these categories on your worksheet in the “category” boxes.
95 Theses: Categorization Goal: What were Martin Luther’s goals in publishing the 95 Theses? Task: Organize the provided excerpts of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses into the three categories. Once you have found the appropriate category, translate! Then, explain what Luther was trying to change, as proven by that category. Answer the summary questions on the back when finished.
Exit Ticket On your worksheet! Handing in today: 95 Theses Categories & Summary Questions HW: Video Lesson 5.10 – Scientific Revolution Quiz on Monday, March 11 (A Day) & Tuesday, March 12 (B Day)!