Summit Middle School Welcome 1
Agenda Welcome and Introductions—Mrs. Speight Pillars of Middle School—Victoria Butterfield -Transitions/Articulation Process -Teams and Teaming -Flex block timetabling -Advisory -Explorations Beyond Class Time & Free Time—Victoria Butterfield Getting Help—Ms. Ascoli Questions?—Victoria Butterfield Breakout Groups/Translation—English/Chinese in MPR with Gerri Wagner & Victoria, Korean in library with Ian Yoon Kang & Ms. Ascoli, Farsi in music room with Zahra Rahbari & Mrs. Speight 2
Transitions Students in SD43 have 2 significant transition times during their school careers – 1 from grade 5-6, and the other from grade 8-9 Summit Middle School welcomes new grade 5 transitioning students as they arrive, and passes on the leaving grade 8 students to various high schools
Articulation Process Visit to Grade 5 classes in April Parent Info Evening in April Meetings with Grade 5 Teachers and Student Services Teachers (IEPs transferred) in April; separate mtgs more in-depth for students with IEPs Challenge and EAL info transferred Placement Process; Articulation Forms and Notes in May; extra visits Grade 6 For A Morning in June
Teams and Teaming Currently: Grade 6 or Grade 6/7 mixed on teams with Grade 7/8 classes Six teams, each with 4 classes Purple Thunder Walking Red Yellow Minions Jade Tigers (Green) Blue Lightning Orange Inferno 5
Flex Block Timetabling Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:40 Start Core Later Start, at 9:00! Block 1 Core/Exp Math Block 2 Block 3 Nutrition break 10:46-10:56 Block 4 Block 5 Lunch 12:18-12:58 Block 6 Block 7 Block 8 End 3:00 pm
Advisory BCB—”Building Connections Block” within the flexible timetable, with your core team Focus on social and emotional learning, relationships, problem-solving, some of the HCE curriculum etc. 10
Explorations Digital Literacy (computer lab) Home Arts (cooking, sewing) Performing Arts (music, drama) Tech Ed (woodwork, electronics) P.E.(all year, alternate days) Art/French (half year each, alternate days) 7
Beyond Class Time Athletic Teams – swim, cross country running, field hockey, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, track & field, badminton, rugby Music—Band & Choir as graded courses Clubs –ski and snowboard, jazz band, library monitors, drama, debate, traffic squad, origami, Eco, Yu-Gi-Oh/Pokemon, chess, Go Girls, “Waffle-o” etc.
Free Time Playground, zipline, climbing net, forest Outdoor basketball and hockey courts Counselling area Library Multi-Purpose room (MPR) Classrooms Lunch hour games—Beach House Intramurals Kateslem After School program ( for registration info)
Getting Help Core Teacher Counsellor and Youth Worker Student Services teachers Team Leaders, or Explorations teachers Noon Hour supervisors EAs, custodians, office staff Principal and Vice-Principal Parents Self advocating
Questions What about homework? Use website!! 2. Where do I keep my stuff? 3. Can I bring electronics to school? 4. When will I know what team I am on? 5. Will I know anyone in my class or team? 6. What happens at lunch time? 7. Can I leave the school grounds? 8. How will I know when to join teams etc? 9. Where can I get a school supplies list? 10. Parents—parking, volunteering, communication, announcements, newsletters? 21
See you at Summit! June 1st 9:30 am – 11:30 am Grade 6 For a Morning Sept 2nd 5:00 pm – Team Lists Posted on Front Doors of School September 6th – First Day of School!