Case study: Nationwide 2 PERSON HOUSEHOLD HHC Male 45 -54 Female 45 -54 East Midlands and East of England Urban Received Sector Format Content Reach Frequency Commercial actions Nationwide Building Society Financial and insurance services Addressed Advertising Mail Information about products/services 2 people in the household 8 7 Financial/ Insurance Average reach = 1.11 Average frequency = 4.29 Source: JICMAIL, Kantar TNS, 2018
Over the course of 9 days the coordinator interacted with the Nationwide mailout 14 times all together. He received the item on the 28th, opened, read and filed it. He then returned to it on 2 separate occasions, discussed it with someone, and went online. Although this piece had a frequency of 8 calculated from physical actions an additional 7 commercial actions were associated to this mailout by the respondent. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Item arrived Open Read Read Spoke to someone Went online com . Filed it Filed it Item live for 9 days Used a tablet or smartphone Used it USED Went online com . Used a tablet or smartphone Spoke to someone Read Looked up my account details 3 Source: JICMAIL, Kantar TNS, 2018