Post war America 1945-1960
Question: What were Two Ways American society changed after world War II? - Explain with details -
Growth in the service economy Economic Growth (1945-1970s) Rest of the world was destroyed, America Had minimal damage WW2 sparked industry – factories continued to produced goods after the war IBM, Coke, Boeing, Ford, General Motors Mass Consumption plastics, medicine, chemicals, appliances, McDonalds, advertising Growth in the service economy
Social Developments – The Affluent Society Baby Boom Suburbia (2) Gi Bill Cult of Domesticity Sun Belt Automobile Culture Interstate Highways Television Popular Music: Elvis, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry
GI Bill education and training opportunities loan guarantees for a home, farm, or business job-finding assistance unemployment pay of $20 per week for up to 52 weeks if the veteran couldn't find a job
Suburban homogeny?
Baby Boom
Cult of Domesticity
Sunbelt (Rustbelt)
Interstate Highway System
1950s Television
1950s Rock and Roll