WU Challenges & Success Remote Data Sources in Primo
DSpace Collection 1. Created my new data source.
DSpace Collection 2. Set up the new scope value.
DSpace Collection 3. Define the pipe:
DSpace Collection 4. Ran the pipe to harvest the collection.
DSpace Collection 4. Harvested, but still no records in the Sandbox Primo. Lesson Learned: You need to run indexing on the data source (pipe). This needs to be done by someone with consortial level access. Email opened with Al & Sara.
CONTENTdm Collection Archives Finding Aids into Primo
CONTENTdm Collection Use MarcEdit to Convert EAD=>MARC
CONTENTdm Collection
CONTENTdm Collection MarcEditor to convert to MARC
CONTENTdm Collection Alma Import Profile for EADs
CONTENTdm Collection Primo Now Contains our Archives Finding Aids
Thanks! Questions/Comments Email: bkelm@willamette.edu