GHANA MISSION REPORT: INTRODUCTION The Nigerian Claretian Missionaries first came to Ghana in the year 1997. It was the diocese of Damango, in the Northern part of the country, that invited us first. Queen of Peace Parish Buipe is the first missionary assignment accepted by the congregation. By the grace of God and efforts of those who started this mission, within some years we have spread to three other dioceses in Ghana namely:
INTRODUCTION CONT’D Archdiocese of Kumasi, where we have two parishes, Archdiocese of Accra, one parish, diocese of Sunyani where we have one parish also. Presently we are in five parishes/houses in four dioceses with ten personnel. Two communities- Damango and kumasi communities. We have hope that in the near future, more communities will be created.
APOSTOLATE Basically, all our missionaries are engaged in parochial ministry. There are a few apostolates we carry out as part of the parochial minstry. Such apostolates include: Catechetical instruction, Marriage courses, Youth ministry, school management, Preaching retreats, children welfare, and Biblical apostolate. Recently, the Sunyani diocesan priests Council and college of consultors appointed Fr Callistus Emenyonu cmf to the Catechetical Office to help in training of catechists in the diocese. Fr Declan Ugorji cmf is a member of Kumasi Archdiocesan Priest Senate and Fr Joseph Obika cmf is one of the consultors in Damango diocese.
APOSTOLATE CONT’D: BIBLICAL PASTORAL MINISTRY We are involved in training interested people in Biblical apostolate. We send them to Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre for a course of two years. After their training, they help in Sunday Children services (Sunday school). Every Wednesday and Saturday, we discuss and share with lay readers and the catechists, the readings of the following Sunday. This has helped tremendously our catechists and young people in the group.
FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF LAY PEOPLE * In this regard, we have different group of societies in our parishes such as Lay Claretian Movement, catechists’ Association, Christian Mothers’ association, St. Theresa’s Association, catholic Men Association, and Marriage Counselors. We visit them in their meetings for animation, giving them talks on various issues of concern.
YOUTH MINISTRY In the ministry to the youth, we are chaplains and spiritual directors of the youth groups namely: Parish Youth Council, Catholic Youth Organization, Student Union and Claret Youth choir. We hold meetings with them and we plan annual programmes of activities and celebrations.
YOUTH MINISTRY CONT’D Most often we act as resource persons in giving them talks, seminars and retreats and learning issues of social, political, cultural and religious importance.
VOCATION MINISTRY There is need to increase and multiply in a mission of ours in Ghana. We have for long started creating the awareness of our presence in this country. Media adverts, vocation conferences, personal contacts and Church announcements are the various means introduced to reach out to young people who are yet to discern their vocation in life. Presently, we have three Ghanaian members studying philosophy in Nigeria. Many have applied to join the congregation.
JUSTICE, PEACE AND THE INTEGRITY OF CREATION. We are in collaboration with the Diocesan Peace and Justice Commission. However, we integrate it in our pastoral activities, applying the values of the Gospel to the problems of our parishioners. We have parish Peace and justice Committee and through them we reach out to people in different situations that need attention.
OPERATION OF THE MISSION PROCURE In the area of Mission Procure, I will say it is working well. Fr Gaspar is doing well and eager to help. Recently we received some financial aid for construction of new church building in one of the outstations, helping in getting fund to buy a four-wheel drive pick-up for one of our parishes. We are trying to develop the art of writing projects to finance some of our projects.
MEDIA AND INTERNET In this regard we are not doing anything yet. Our mission here is only parishes.
PLANS FOR FUTURE/PRIORITIES To establish formation house- postulate house. Already the archbishop emeritus gave us written permission to establish formation house in the archdiocese and we are almost done with land acquisition. Establishing formation house here will help in getting more vocation. To build hostels near the Catholic University (for economic self reliance) Expansion of mission with variety of Ministries.
CONCERNS Mobility: we need Claretian owned and maintained car/bus in the mission. We are having difficulty in generating the fund necessary for doing some of our apostolates. The distances from one house/community to another make it difficult for the brothers to meet as often as necessary. We wish that more communities be created for better interaction, administration and community living. There is need to begin formation of postulants in this mission. This will help to promote our congregation more.
CONCLUSION THE Mission in Ghana after 14 solid years could be described as successful so far. Each missionary sent here to work has contributed immensely to the successes recorded today. It is love of Christ that urges us on. THANKS FOR LISTENING *CYRIACUS
PICTURES: During Parish Youth Rally
Fr Callistus Emenonu cmf with the Youth in the farm.
Meeting with the diocesan Catechists