Improving the Conversation at the Heart of Healthcare – What Matters to People and Practitioners?
Understanding and focusing on what matters to people – how are we doing?
What proportion of an average conversation is taken up by the healthcare professional speaking?
On average, how long does it take for us to interrupt?
What is said vs. what’s understood and what is acted on…
Ross’s funnel analogy
Reframing the conversation exercise
How about our experience How about our experience? What are our internal workplace conversations like and do they support this shift in culture?
Three questions….. 1. What’s good about working here? 2. When we are at our best, what does that look like? 3. What gets in the way of a good day (or “great care”) Table discussion…..
Three key interventions to bring joy in work… Focus on “what matters to you?” conversations with the people we support and care for (meaning and purpose) …..(next slide)
Be purposeful about creating spaces and places to reflect and connect as a team….. … (next slide) 3. Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others….
As effective as Prozac!