Graphic Essay for TFA – Presentations this Friday, 2/9 Reminders 2-5-18 Graphic Essay for TFA – Presentations this Friday, 2/9 Socratic Seminars Start tomorrow: Group 1 – tomorrow Group 2 & 3 - Wednesday Othello will start Monday, Feb 12 – have your copy. No excuses! We will read together.
Vocab Unit 7 (#s 1-10)
Characterization of Okonkwo (see next slide for group assignments) Things Fall Apart Characterization of Okonkwo (see next slide for group assignments) Groups will ‘present’ their work in a gallery walk. Respond with sticky notes (one question, one comment, or an additional example) Return to your gallery walk poster and review sticky notes
Characterization in Things fall apart *For all of this work, the whole book should be considered for evidence, examples, etc. Groups 1 & 2: Compare and contrast Okonkwo’s father Unoka, Okonkwo, Ikemefuna, and Nwoye. Use the diagram provided to sort through your thoughts. After completing the chart with details. Respond to #2 on page 228 – pulling in all the fathers and sons. Groups 3 & 4: Exploring Okonkwo’s feelings and fears along with the reason for the fears and the effect they have on his action. Create a 2 column chart – left side: Feelings & Fears: Passages from Text; right side: interpretation/explanation and at the bottom answer 1) How do Okonkwo’s fears influence his actions? 2) What are the reasons for his fears? Groups 5 & 6: Characterization (p. 233) – Create a chart like the one on page 233. Use at least 4 different characters and complete the chart. Groups 7 & 8: Conflicting Sides in Okonkwo’s Character (p. 231) – Create a chart like the one on page 231. Focus on Okonkwo’s achievements and status vs. Negative Traits and Actions. Write a claim about Okonkwo’s dual nature. Then, move to write a broader thesis considering complexity and insight.
TFA Guidelines: Present/state your claim Intro to Graphic Essay (find a group) What needs to be done each day? How much time in class will we have? Tuesday: 45 minutes Wednesday: 30 minutes Thursday: 1 hour Presentation info Guidelines: Present/state your claim Present 2-3 pieces of your evidence and interpretation – or at least the number of group members – i.e. 3 group members – 3 pieces of evidence shared. Explain your symbolism (i.e. colors, objects, choices, etc.) and other meaningful choices about your graphic essay 10 points of your grade will be an individual speaking grade - Even though it is not a formal speech, remember to avoid uhms, likes, and other filler words - Be mindful of consistent eye contact and speaking clearly. You do NOT have to dress up.
Socratic Seminar Groups – Work Time Group #1 – Topic: Colliding Cultures Focus on Part Two of the text Prepare using Questions 1, 2, and 3 – p. 255-256 Bring your written prep with you to the seminar – also, bring your TFA book to reference text Group #2 – Topic: Gender Views Focus on Part One and comparing it to first part of Part Two Prepare using Questions 1, 2, and 3 – p. 251-252 Group #3 – Topic: Themes and How they are Developed Focus on text as a whole Prepare by brainstorming a list of possible topics and then actual themes. What are these themes and how are they developed? Also, consider the role of the Europeans – which is only in Part Three – and why only in this part? Consider the different figures MR. Brown, Mr. Smith, District Commissioner, etc. What is their role as it relates to the novel and/or themes?