Introduction This short presentation will not deal with the history or development of in-school management. It is worth noting, however, that this historical background plays a major role in how effective in-school management works in particular schools. The aim here is to look at a number of schools and examine some of the issues that arise. 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
4 – 6 Teacher School STAFF: Principal Deputy Principal Special Duties Teacher Class teacher(s) Shared learning support SNA Part-time Caretaker, Secretary, Cleaners 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
4 – 6 Teacher School Deputy Principal 1. Assist the principal and carry out his/her duties in their absence. 2. Responsibility for I.T. and development of I.T. plan 3. Responsibility for ancillary staff. 4. Curricular area – Gaeilge 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
4 – 6 Teacher School Special Duties Teacher Responsibility for Educational Aids/ equipment Responsibility for School savings scheme Curricular area - Music 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
4 – 6 Teacher School Deputy Principal One Special Duties Teacher Main Issues : 1. Limited no. of posts 2. Limited mobility 3. Access to other teachers 4. Overload – parity with similar post holders in larger schools 5. Other teacher(s) favour v. duty 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Large School Scoil Mhuire is a large urban school, built in 1983, currently in process of extending. STAFF : 31 teachers, 17 Special Needs Assistants, Caretaker, Secretary & 3 cleaners 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Number of Posts Deputy Principal 3 Assistant Principals 10 Special Duties Teachers 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Deputy Principal Assist the principal in his duties and carry out these duties in his absence Responsibility for Drama Responsibility for Girls games Responsibility for assemblies Curricular area - Gaeilge 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Assistant Principals 1. Assistant Principal Duties : R.S.E, Green School, Liturgies, Music 2. Assistant Principal Duties : Book Rental, Overseeing cleaning, Green School 3. Assistant Principal Duties : School library, Positive discipline, English 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
SPECIAL DUTIES TEACHERS 1. Supervision rota, Art & Craft 2. Educational aids, swimming,science 3. School policies – non curricular 4. I.T., maintenance,policy,etc. 5. School savings scheme, maths equipment 6. Special needs 7. Green School 8. Boys games 9. P.E., Sports in general, equipment 10. School choir, music 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Annual Review Duties List work carried out List changes, if any, you would like to see introduced to your post List any areas for discussion 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Meetings Weekly meeting with Deputy Principal. Each month there is a meeting with deputy principal and the three assistant principals. This meeting is semi-formal, sometimes just a chat, sometimes with an agenda, but mainly to get an overview of how things are going. 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Philosophy for Appointments The best person gets the job 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Appointments Irrespective of the number of applications there should be a formal interview. It can then be clarified that the applicant is aware that the post involves extra duties that entails extra time for extra payments. It may also be clarified that as a general rule the post should not interfere with the teachers class contact time. 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Acknowledgement Power and decision making has to be distributed and delegated as well as duties Affirmation of work done and good practise Goodwill & professional generosity 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Under Performance of Postholder There Should be a mechanism in schools to deal with post holders who may not be performing their duties. This mechanism would need to meet proper and fair procedures. For example : 1. Verbal warning – noted and dated in school records 2. Written warning – copy in school records 3. BoM advises DES that the allowance should be discontinued 4. BoM initiates process to fill the post 5. Appeal mechanism? 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
The Principal Irrespective of what duties are delegated, in any size school, the principal should always retain direct contact with Staff, Pupils and Parents. “Education is a relationship not a product” – (Kathleen Lynch) 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004
Issues for Debate 1. Should an allowance to be paid to a school for in-school management be an option? 2. Should there be a compulsory review of all posts to ascertain if the posts are meeting the needs of the school (annually, every 2 years etc.). 3. List areas that should be included in review of in-school management e.g. Parity with second level schools in relation to reduced hours, etc. 25/05/2019 IPPN CONFERENCE 2004