Homework Check Everyone should have their homework out. Resource Managers grab answer keys for each member of your team. Team members should share and discuss as you correct your homework. Reporters/Recorders take note of any questions the team might still have even after going through the answer key.
Chapter 6 Closure Lesson Objective: Chapter closure provides an opportunity for students to reflect on what they have learned. It also provides the teacher with the opportunity to informally assess where the students are in their understanding of the ideas in the chapter.
Chapter 6 Closure Task - Making Connections Facilitators read the Task Sheet for your team and make sure everyone understands the task. Pencils down at this point. In 3 minutes we will check-in with everyone for understanding.
Study Guide You can start reviewing for you Chapter 6 assessments next week with your study guide. The answers for these questions can be found on pages 361-362 of your book so you can check.