Longman Welcome to English When I grow up Part C Chapter 1, Book 6A Longman Welcome to English
Review Who is the girl in the story? She is Mimi. What does Mimi like? She likes animals.
She was reading a book about .She wanted to be . a bear trainer Let’s listen.(P1) Where was Mimi? She was in the library. bears She was reading a book about .She wanted to be . a bear trainer
Let’s listen.(P2-4) Was Mimi scared? Yes, she was.(P3S2) Was Mimi brave? No, she wasn’t.(P3&4) a bear trainer Mimi can’t to be unless she is . brave
She was back to the library. Let’s listen.(P5-6) Where was Mimi? She was back to the library. sharks She was reading a book about .She wanted to be . a shark expert
Let’s listen.(P7-8) Was Mimi scared? Yes, she was.(P8S2) a shark expert Mimi can’t to be unless she is . brave
What did Mimi want to be? 刺激的 值得的
(1) (5) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (4) (3) (2) Review :Let’s reorder the pictures (1) (5) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (4) (3) (2)
Let’s retell the story Let’s finish Part D