Haiku Poetry Assignment This work was started in class as work to be done with others in a group. Page 260 of the textbook introduces this kind of writing and how it is done. The student is to use a blank sheet of paper. Use the example to make the assignment. Write each line of poetry next to the dot. The student will use the topic and page number in each quadrant to create a haiku poem about Japan.
Use p. 251 to make a haiku poem about the physical geography of Last, First Name Period ____ Date started Haiku Poetry Geography Shotoku Use p. 251 to make a haiku poem about the physical geography of Japan. Use p. 253 to make a haiku poem about Prince Shotoku. Feudalism Buddhism Use pages 257-258 to make a Haiku poem about Buddhism in Japan. Use p. 268 to make a haiku poem about feudalism in Japan.