Overview of Lane Management 2 Software Engineering CSE435 Michigan State University Fall 2016 Team members: Project Manager: Catherine Dinsmoor Facilitator: Ayush Agrawal Customer Liaison: Brian Wong Configuration Manager: Grant Levene Safety/Security Manager: Michael Mei Customer: Dr. Ramesh S, GM R&D Instructor: Dr. Betty H.C. Cheng* *Please direct all inquiries to the instructor. [.5 min] Introduce yourself: We are group Lane Management 2 PM Facilitator Customer Liason Configuration Manager Safety/Security [Cathy Will Explain] We have been working on a Lane Management System for GM and today we will be discussing our system. 1
Project Overview System provides functionality to increase the safety of the driver by providing a system to ensure a driver is able to maintain their position in the lane. Motivation for project Address problem with drivers swerving within their lanes, and also drivers accidentally leaving their lane and causing collisions. Facilitates maintaining a centered position in the lane, a warning system to alert the driver of unsafe lane positions and correcting a vehicle back into its lane. [2 mins] [Address problem with drivers swerving within their lanes, and also drivers accidentally leaving their lane and causing collisions.] Key Points: Objective is to create a Lane Management System that includes Lane Keeping System, Lane Centering System, Lane Warning Departure Warning System Motivation for Project [Read motivation points, then include the scenarios below to show an example of why the system is necessary] Scenario of Lane Swerving Average driver may be swerving in their lane, it would be fine, except for if they swerve too much when rounding a curve and they collide with another vehicle or object. Scenario of Leaving Lane Driver may be driving too quickly or is possibly turning the wheel too much and begin to depart their lane into another lane or off the road. If this is done unintentionally a collision is possible and it would affect the safety of both the driver and anyone else on the road. Unintentional for our system is when the driver is leaving the lane without a turn signal. 2
Overview of Features Lane Centering System (LCS) Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) Lane Keeping System (LKS) [4 mins] Lane Centering System: Identifies the vehicle's position in the lane and maintains that centered position. Contains the most simple feature of sensing the vehicle's position in lane, the LCS will then stay a fixed distance based on the width of the lane based on the lane markings. This feature will only be available while the vehicle is going above 15mph. Lane Departure Warning System: Warn the driver of a departure of the lane to allow for the driver to fix their lane position. We defined lane departure to mean the vehicle is crossing the lane marker to either the left or right. The whole system will go into the inactive state if the sensors lose sight of the lane markers. Three forms of warnings, Vibrations, sound and light warnings. Conscience decision to not use text to allow the driver to focus on the road and to accommodate cars without screens. Lane Keeping System: (Cruise control concept) Enhancement to the LDWS, it would allow for the system to correct the position of the vehicle back into the lane in a situation where the driver is not responding to the LDWS (.5s) and the turn signals are not on. We chose the (.5s) because in that time we decided a decision could be made to either override with a 7N*m/s torque on the wheel if the move was intentional. In ad Most Important Decisions Most important decisions we made within these were how we wanted to define the driver purposely leaving a lane, in addition how to we define when the driver is overriding the system. We decided that similar to the cruise control system, our system will have an immediate override, in the case of cruise control that is the brake, and for our system it is turning the wheel more than 7N*m/s. Something that we decided was important to our system. We also allow a override of the system by turning off the system with a button. 3
Domain Research Investigated other lane management software and systems. Needed to apply domain knowledge on the types of hardware and sensors these system contained. Project Constraints When the system activates Working within the CAN bus Hardware constraints [2 mins] Constraint on the system when the system should activate. Constraint given by the customer to only allow the system to work above 15mph. We have three unique states for our system, active, inactive and off. The inactive state is the state which our vehicle is in before 15mph and when the user overrides the system. Receiving data from the CAN bus, using the acceleration and speedometer in our calculations of the path prediction of the vehicle. We used the torque sensor to constrain how we define what is an intentional wheel movement, 7N*m and what is unintentional. This then affects when our LKS and LCS system works. Hardware Constraints Working within a vehicle without a screen, warning users with different types of warnings such as verbal, vibration and lights. (to allow for the system to work in a larger range of vehicles there is no display) *canbus - can only get speedometer 4
Part II: Model-based View of System [Ayush Agrawal] For part 2, Model based View of System, here is an overview our system and the boxes are elements of the system and lines represent the relationships between the elements. The boxes represent the different class that our system will include and all the main parts. Each line connecting the classes is a relationship between. There are “is a” relationships such as between accelerometer and Sensor There are “is part of” relationships such as between Controller and Car There are also associations such as the Controller triggers Warnings **explains some key elements and operations Controllers that is connected to everything, sensors we have a variety, UI Domain Model 5
First Scenario (Sequence Diagram) - LKS Correction [Brian Wong] Sequence diagrams would be the best to represent our system because it describes scenarios and show what is happening within the system. Just a quick refresher on how to read a sequence diagram. The boxes up top are called object lifelines and as you read downwards, it represents time. The arrows are messages that are in between object lifelines and the dashed ones are reply messages. If the messages are all from the same vertical shaped rectangles then the messages are happening simultaneously. In this scenario, Driver leaves lane accidently No blinker And then LDWS will warn the driver Since the driver did not correct Then LKS will take control of the vehicle and return vehicle back in lane Then explain the individual messages to the object lifelines
Second Scenario (Sequence Diagram) - Torque Override [Brian Wong] In this scenario, The driver accidently moves out of the lane markers No blinker Which will LDWS (the warnings) will activate And when the system adjust your steering for you, he overrides the system With 7 N*m/s And the system will go into inactive state until wheel is back to center position Then explain the individual messages to the object lifelines
Third Scenario (Sequence Diagram) - LMS Speed Restraint [Brian Wong] In this scenario, We replicate when the car slows down below 15 mph And then speeds back up to over 15 mph Then explain the individual messages to the object lifelines
Fourth Scenario (Sequence Diagram) - Driver Shut Off [Ayush Agrawal] This diagram represents the LMS being manually disabled. This is a short sequence diagram, of the driver manually attempting to turn off the system. As the driver hits the switch in the UI, the function systemoff() s used to actually turn off the system and represent a light change in the dash console.
Part III: Demonstration I’m assuming these are for the prototype and scenarios? We need to explain the interface of the system! *some example scenarios listed below *then live demo 10
Scenario 1: LMS Intervention Shown Scenario 1: LMS Intervention after unintentional lane change (scenario 1 from prototype v2) Driver un-centers vehicle without using a blinker. Vehicle triggers warnings After 0.5s, LMS intervenes and moves car back into lane 11
Scenario 2: Wheel Override Shown: Scenario 2: Driver overrides by turning wheel (Scenario 5 from prototypev2) Driver inadvertently drifts out of lane LMS Alerts driver via sound / vibration / lights Driver exerts more than 7 Nm / s of force on the wheel to override LMS 12
Scenario 3: Lack of Lane Markers Shown: Scenario 3: LMS Can’t see lane markers (scenario 6 from prototype v2) Lane markers are either unable to be seen or aren’t on the road Visibility warning turns on After 5s, system goes to idle 13
Scenario 4: User Shuts Off System Shown: Scenario 4: User Shuts Off System (scenario 3 on prototype v2) Driver hits switch on the user interface to turn off system. If the LMSstatus is currently equal to on/active, the UI communicates to the controller to call systemoff() which will change the status to off 14
Live Demo s/LANE2/web/prototype2.html?#
Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge and appreciate the participation of our customer, Dr. Ramesh from General Motors