Teaching and Educational Leadership Educational leadership roles and recognition Course/residency/fellowship leadership Scholarship Original publications, reviews, and chapters Educational material (e.g., curricula, cases, syllabi) in print or other media Educational methods, policy statements, assessment tools Consider submitting to the peer-reviewed MedEdPortal (https://www.mededportal.org/). Teaching awards/honors common, not required May have funding to develop courses/programs
Teaching and Education Innovations List innovations in teaching and education which may include novel approaches to curriculum delivery, supervisory teaching, training programs, or any other area of teaching. Describe: their influence or potential influence on education or teaching how the material is used locally (at HMS), regionally, nationally, and/or internationally Example Performance: The Z Score system Quarterly clinical performance reports are created for each resident and are used to identify performance issues which then result in faculty-supervised plans for improvement. Reports contain Z scores, competency flag density, written comments, statistical assessment of performance as compared to peers, and faculty confidence in allowing a resident to act in an unsupervised fashion. Reports are created using between 5-25 evaluations from the teaching faculty.