Monday, February 5th Snow Day! No school
Tuesday, February 6th Continue working on Good Health Businesses You should be brainstorming 10 different healthful actions for each aspect (physical, mental, social) Start working on a theme or title for your GHB and a menu of items Fill in your agenda with: Going to the lab (208) today to work on GHB
Wed., February 7th! Continue working on Good Health Businesses Today you should be working on your menu of food items and your maps. You should have your business name and ideas for putting your brochure together. Fill in your agenda with: Working in Lab (208) on Good Health Business (GHB)
Thursday, February 8th! Continue working on GHB. Should be working on brochure, menu and picture. We will present tomorrow. Make sure you practice your presentation today! Don’t waste class time be productive! Fill in your agenda with: Continue to complete GHB Present tomorrow/practice skit
Friday, February 9th Snow Day! No school today!