Multi-disciplinary Cancer Management the PAH Experience Damien B Thomson Director of Oncology Princess Alexandra Hospital
Cancer: why do we need multi-disciplinary teamwork? 1 w cancer is not a single disease w ing options for management requiring involvement of different specialties w ing use of appropriate adjuvant and neo-adjuvant therapy
Cancer: why do we need multi-disciplinary teamwork? 2 w some rôle reversal for specialties in particular cancers w less common: S R C w now sometimes: C+R S C S C R C w or:C S residual disease
Cancer: why do we need multi-disciplinary teamwork? 3 w cancer and its treatment often associated with significant physical & psycho-social issues (patient & family) appropriate use: psychiatric liaison social worker cancer visitor or support groups dietitian, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology, stomal therapy community services palliative care services
Cancer: why do we need multi-disciplinary teamwork? 4 w Patient and family need for knowledge often greatly exceeds other illnesses remarkable impact of cancer diagnosis compared to other life threatening diseases consultation time for explanation of disease and prognosis and support need for information material that reflects all aspects of management w use of specialised disease based nurses w need for consistent information
Cancer: why do we need multi-disciplinary teamwork? 5 w the days of the single clinician working independently are numbered
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic What is it? 1 w Specialist clinic of different skills working together to optimise patient care w willingness to recognise, respect and to cooperatively use the expertise of the other disciplines increase of knowledge w provision of one stop shop concept w usually disease site orientated
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic What is it? 2 w cross disciplines surgicalsurgical specialties medicaleg. oncology, respiratory radiationtrend to site specialisation dental / oral surgery pathology radiologydiagnostic, interventional nursingnursing rover, research allied health palliative care
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic: is it useful? 1 w Development of clinical practice guidelines that are: w evidence based w consensus approved producing w quality assured care w timely investigation and therapy
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic: is it useful? 2 w increase of special skills with w > minimum number of cases to attain and maintain skills w more likely to attract more patients w likely to be more quickly investigated and treated w more likely to enlist in clinical trials w associated database outcome data w integrated student teaching
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic: is it useful? 3 w YES……. but w $ resourcing has lagged behind so badly inadequate staffing for current workload unable to set up further clinics due to inadequate funding w poor literature resource very little published in past 20 years
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic literature review 1 w University Michigan J Amer Acad Derm 104 pt treated in multi-disciplinary melanoma clinic matched to 104 treated in community, matched for site & depth surgical morbidity & survival similar saving of USD1600 per patient in multi- disciplinary clinic due to differences in health care resources used
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic literature review 2 w UK Papworth study Thorax quick access multi-disciplinary service to investigate suspected lung cancer 181 patients with NSCLC 47 (25%) underwent successful surgical resection compared to general UK resection rate 20%
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic literature review 3 w Scottish ovarian study Br J Cancer 1987 all 533 cases ovarian Ca in Scotland w improved survival when first seen by gynaecologist operated on by a gynaecologist residual <2cm prescribed platinum chemotherapy referred to a joint clinic
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic literature review 4 w Mid-west breast cancer Oncol Nursing Forum 55 patients Med Oncol consult as inpatient compared 66 patients consult in multi- disciplinary clinic: w MDS physical function satisfaction with health care satisfaction with physician (doctor) care satisfaction with nursing care
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Types of clinics w Case Review or Tumour Board w New Case Clinic (old cases new problem) w Defined Site Clinic with new cases & all follow up cases, no therapy w Defined Site Clinic with new cases & all follow up cases, and therapy w a Clinic member also in private practice is more likely to refer in the same patterns w should always be a clinic chairman
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Case Review or Tumour Board 1 w absent patient w pre-evented history and clinical findings presented by one member w often involves radiology and or pathology being presented and discussed w case discussion care plan actioned next clinic w clinic may follow immediately or very soon after to implement care plan
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Case Review or Tumour Board 2 w Lymphoma Case Meeting haematologists medical oncologists radiation oncologists radiologist pathologist laboratory scientists pathology haematology research nurse
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Case Review or Tumour Board 3 w Lung cancer meeting respiratory physicians thoracic surgeon radiation oncologists radiologist: diagnostic & interventional pathologist (retired!!!) medical oncologist * (if available)
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Case Review or Tumour Board 4 w Orthopaedic oncology meeting orthopaedic surgeons radiation oncologists radiologist pathologist sometimes the final pathological diagnosis depends on the radiology findings medical oncologist * (if available)
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Case Review or Tumour Board 5 w Breast clinic pathology meeting breast surgeons radiation oncologists pathologist medical oncologists
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic New Case Clinic 1 w Case clerked in clinic new cases old cases with new problem w all patients reviewed by all relevant staff w case presented by one member and discussed at clinic meeting care plan actioned at clinic w patient seen immediately again by relevant staff
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic New Case Clinic 2 w Head and Neck Clinic ENT surgery plastic surgery dental - oral surgery general surgery radiation oncologists medical oncologist speech pathology dietitian social worker research nurse
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Defined site clinic, no R x 1 w New patients seen by relevant staff w case presented by one member to rest of team care plan actioned at clinic w old cases reviewed by relevant staff w only new problems in old cases reviewed by all clinic staff w not a therapy clinic
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Defined site clinic, no R x 2 w Upper GI Clinic upper GI surgeons radiation oncologists medical oncologists research nurse radiation nurse data manager dietitian need for tight programming
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Defined site clinic, with R x 1 w patients streamed and seen by relevant staff w new case or new problem presented by one member to rest of team care plan w old cases reviewed by relevant staff follow up by surgical team and radiation oncology radiation planning time arranged chemotherapy by medical oncology
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Defined site clinic, with R x 2 w Breast Clinic breast surgeons medical oncologists radiation oncologists research nurse radiation nurse need for tight programming pathology review of new cases at end of clinic
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Defined site clinic, with R x 3 w Colo-rectal Clinic & GI Adjuvant Clinic colo-rectal surgeons medical oncologists radiation oncologists research nurse colo-rectal nurse radiation nurse need for tight programming
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Defined site clinic, with R x 4 w Melanoma Clinic melanoma surgeons medical oncologists radiation oncologists dermatologist research nurse
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic Defined site clinic, with R x 5 w Germ Cell Clinic medical oncologists urology surgeon radiation oncologist
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic has it all been successful? 1 w YES: largely driven by the surgeons w coordinationfollow up research w germ cell: w colo-rectal: w head & neck w breast w upper GI w lymphoma w melanoma
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic has it all been successful? 2 w Generally YES but coordinationfollow up research w lung+++++ w orthopaedic+++++ w these clinics represent some of the difficulties in setting up a MDC personality territory
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic has it all been successful? 3 w NO w lack of resources esp medical oncology for multi-disciplinary clinics in CNSevidence prostatefor bladderimproved pancreasQoL liversurvival lungcost effectiveness w urgent need for funding: staff, drugs
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic NCI Cancer Facts 1 w A diagnosis of cancer may be the most difficult challenge, you or your loved ones will ever face. That is why it is important to find help and try to maintain your sense of hope no matter what your situation. Your team of health care professionals is knowledgeable about the many different aspects of cancer: medical, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual.
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic NCI Cancer Facts 2 w They are available to you as much or as little as you need, but it is difficult for them to know if you need help unless you ask for it. Don't be afraid, embarrassed, or hesitant to ask questions; voice your opinion, and seek the care you feel you need and deserve. w Your Health Care Team: Your Doctor Is Only the Beginning
The multi-disciplinary cancer clinic w a thank you to the many surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologist, pathologists, radiologists, allied health professionals, nurses and resident staff whose continued dedication and hard work in the face of fiscal hardship is amazing and makes working at PAH worth while.