Writing 2203 Course Evaluation &Outline 2016-7
Evaluation Transactional Writing 25% (major assessments:10%; research: 10%; minor assessments/journals 5%) Expressive Writing 25% (major assessments:20%; minor assessments/journals 5%) Poetic Writing 25% Media Writing 25% There are no formal examinations in this course.
Unit I: Transactional Writing (Sept. 12-Oct.4) Focus: Opinion, Argumentative and Persuasive writing Evaluation: Opening Opinion Piece Argumentation Essay* Persuasion Essay* * Students will draft both types of expository essays, submit one for draft credit and the other as a formal publishable piece. Approx. submission date: Oct. 18
Unit II: Research using A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Oct. 5-Nov. 18) Evaluation: Research stages, Drafting stages*, Final product** Final Evaluation: Research stages will be assigned and completed in early to mid Oct. First Publishable Draft: Early Nov.*** Final/Fully Publishable Paper: Dec. 16 * Drafting stage(s) are not equated with a rough copy. Rather, students should aim to make it as close to the final product as possible. ** Final Product mark will be shared in English 1201 *** Once the drafts are completed, teachers will start marking them. Students will move onto the next unit as a class.
Unit III: Poetic Writing (Nov.-Dec. ) Students will complete process and publishable stages of at least one narrative during this unit. Evaluation: Process Work (Poetic Minor) Publishable Work (Poetic Major) Students will be completing the final publishable copies of their research from Dec. 9-16 (Unit II)
Unit IV: Expressive Writing Language Arts (Jan.) Study of expressive forms of writing will include personal response writing and rants Evaluation: Publishable stage of Rant Other draft work to be placed in journal. Process Work (Expressive Minor) Publishable Work (Expressive Major)