Mastering Multiple Choice Questions
Do you have a case of MCTA? Multiple Choice Test Anxiety You are not alone. Research shows that you can actually do worse on a multiple choice test NOT because of the questions, but because of how you feel about the test!
4 Reasons to Feel Good About Multiple Choice Questions The answer is given to you! What could be easier? Somewhere in the list is the right answer!
2. You can guess! You may hear that you shouldn’t guess. I’m telling you right now it’s not true. You need to learn to guess properly.
3. Basic Brain Work Many multiple choice exams tend to emphasize basic definitions or simple comparisons, rather than asking students to analyze new information or apply theories to new situations. In other words, they’re often easier. Many multiple choice exams tend to emphasize basic definitions or simple comparisons, rather than asking students to analyze new information or apply theories to new situations. In other words, they’re often easier.
You don’t have to be me to write multiple choice! 4. Grammar don’t count! You don’t have to be me to write multiple choice!
5 Ways To Improve Your Success On Multiple Choice Questions Read the question carefully! Circle, highlight or underline key words. Pay special attention to words that narrow response options like principal, primary, major.
Predict an answer BEFORE looking at alternatives. May not apply to all questions . . But try it… you may be less likely to be swayed by an alternative that is incorrect. Even cover it up if you have to!
Answer the questions you know first, and go back to the more difficult ones later.
Eliminate the wrong answers. Analyze the options as true/false Eliminate the wrong answers. Analyze the options as true/false. Then eliminate the false answer(s).
Look at the options you have left. Usually, you can eliminate answers that contain absolutes such as “always” and “never”
6. If you need to guess: Answers that contain “all of the above” are usually correct. Options that contain the most information are usually correct. If there are two similar options, one of them is usually correct.
Three Commandments Answer all questions. Don’t be afraid to guess . . . but still put some thought into it. Leave time to check over you answers. #2 – eliminate answers you know are wrong. #3 but don’t change guesses unless you have had a revelation!
Now you are ready for . . . success