1/23/14 “Gandhi PEET ‘Point’” What is your “Point” for your Gandhi PEET paragraph? On desk: Gandhi PEET organizer complete OR typed first draft
Share your “Point” with partner. Partners: Does their Point answer the focus question clearly? Do you know exactly what they are going to prove?
1/23/14 World History Agenda Review Gandhi/Activism Quests Type first drafts (due by 4pm today). Peer/self review. HW: Typed first drafts in bin by 3:15 pm Honors: MLK/Gandhi project due next Friday
Gandhi PEET First Drafts Double-spaced Proof-read! (Read out loud to catch missing words, punctuation, unfinished sentences, etc.) Cite evidence! (Quote, citation, period) “Harrison is the best teacher” (MWH 36). Typed, proof-read drafts due: 3:15 pm today.