Compliance and Enforcement Section 2008 Kansas Air Quality Seminar March 5, 2008 Vick Cooper, Section Chief
Overview Total Inspections Performance Test RATA NON Issued Letters of Warning Bureau Directors Letters Consent Agreements Administrative Orders
Most Significant Priorities Ensure we are addressing the most significant environmental, public, health and compliance problems Where can we make the biggest difference in protecting human health and the environment?
Data Management Make strategic decisions in order to target and discover most egregious violators Ensure better utilization of our resources
Enforcement Achievements Sheltered initiative in the Gas and Oil industries Sheltered initiative for Flash Emissions Boiler Initiatives Comprehensive inspection system.
Compliance Tools Making sure that we are using the most appropriate tools to address the most significant problems to achieve the best outcomes as quickly and effectively as possible.
Penalty Assessment Criteria Economic benefit of Noncompliance Seriousness of the violation Size of business Economic impact of the penalty on the business Violators’ compliance history and good faith efforts to comply Duration of the violation Payment of penalties previously assed for the same violation A penalty may be assessed for each day of violation
Settlements Settlement is memorialized as a Consent Decree or Administrative Order on Consent Settlement components Compliance plan Remediation of past harm Penalty Supplement Environmental Projects General provisions
Informational Data 2007 Total Number of Inspections 782 Number of Enforcement Actions 118 Number of Complaints 106 Performance Test 42 RATAs 27 NONs Issued 53 Letters of Warning 22 Bureau Directors Letters 11 Consent Agreements 13 Orders Issued 9
Contacts Vick Cooper – Russ Brichacek – Ralph Kieffer – Cheryl Evans – Mary Mahaffey – Jim Stewart – Jeremy Duis – Mariellen Butler – Javier Ahumada –