words that sound the same, are spelled differently, Homophones are words that sound the same, are spelled differently, and have different meanings ex. blue blew
More Examples There Their & They’re
I’ll meet you there after school. I wish I had their talent for singing. They’re going to the karaoke competition later.
Then I went to the store, then the house Then I went to the store, then the house. Turn left at the corner, then right. Than Susan smiles more than Lily. She’s way cooler than you.
I like lions better than tigers. Or I like lions better then tigers.
Where Wear Were
I am going to wear my favorite blue dress to the dance tomorrow night I am going to wear my favorite blue dress to the dance tomorrow night. Where did you decide to go to college? They were having a great time together.
To Too Two
We went to the wedding. We had too much cake We went to the wedding. We had too much cake. I danced like I had two left feet.
They sound the same, but they are very different. Homophones They sound the same, but they are very different.