Abet: verb: to assist
Accord: verb: to be in agreement
Adept: adjective: highly skilled
Advocate: verb: to speak in favor of
Agile: adjective: to move in a quick and easy way
Allot: verb: to divide or distribute by share or portion
Aloof: adjective: reserved or shy
Amiss: adjective: improper, wrong, faulty
Analogy: noun: comparison
Anarchy: noun: society without government or law
Antics: noun: playful trick or prank
Apprehend: verb: to understand or to catch (as in arrest)
Ardent: adjective: intense feeling or passion
Articulate: Adjective: uttered clearly; or capable of speech
Assail: verb: to attack vigorously or violently
Assimilate: verb: to absorb or to bring into conformity with the customs of a society
Atrocity: noun: extreme or shockingly wicked event
Attribute: verb: resulting from a specific cause or quality given to a person, thing, or group
Audacious: adjective: extremely bold or daring
Augment: verb: to make larger