Welcome Future Wolfe Warriors!
Hallway Procedures Walk to the RIGHT side of the hallway Enter doorways on the RIGHT Walk to class, don’t run Give yourself enough time to do what you need to do AND get to class on time Don’t get caught in a hall sweep Be respectful of others
Lockers Each student gets his/her own locker Lockers have a combination lock Do NOT share your combination with ANYONE, not even your best friend! Keep your locker clean! You will be able to practice unlocking your locker during orientation in the summer!
After School Help Hours What are they? When should I stay after school? Am I in trouble if I stay after? Is it the same thing as a detention?
Clubs at Wolfe
Textbooks Power School You are responsible for your books Don’t let them get ruined in your locker Lost/damaged books must be paid for You will be expected to use your login to check your grades Think of it as an on-going progress report This is a great way for you and your parents to see how you’re doing and what assignments you might have missing in your classes
Homework All teachers have different expectations Be sure to get into a routine of doing homework on a daily basis Use your agenda and a homework folder to help you stay organized Ask for help Stay after school (if possible) if you need help