Easter reading task
Philosophy in Film Noel Carroll is a philosopher who often uses film as a tool for philosophical enquiries. He speaks about how film is becoming a useful tool in studying philosophy. This is because we can experience them ourselves which makes it easier for us, as well as others such as students studying philosophy, to write about the philosophical elements to certain topics.
Moral Defect In Pedro Almodovar's 'Talk to Her', we see Almodovar use the defection of morality to lead the audience to view the characters in screen in a different light. A male nurse called Benigno cares for a young dancer called Alicia in a coma. Benigno is completely obsessed with Alicia, treating her as if they are in love and that she is conscious. Later in the film he rapes her, however Almodovar shows Benigno's actions in such a way as to tame the violence of the rape. He does this by showing the rape off-screen and in its place showing a comical short film of a tiny man climbing inside the vagina of a woman. Almodovar also shows this moral defect by only showing the audience the kind, caring side of Benigno, albeit a bit creepy and, the audience believe Benigno to be simply just a creepy, lonely man with a bit of a problem. As a result, we are led to feel sympathy for the character instead of seeing him as the rapist which he is eventually locked up for.
Almodovar engineers the film to make the audience feel sympathy for Benigno despite his actions. Throughout he is portrayed as a kind and compassionate man making the revelation of him raping Alicia all the more shocking. The rape itself is instead represented through a disturbing but comedic silent, black and white film placed accordingly to imply the rape through strange imagery. This aspect lends to the films controversial nature as it could potentially be viewed as being ignorant to rape and perhaps disrespectful to victims. Noel Carroll states how the viewer is torn between sympathy and disgust for Benigno. Almodovar does this to show the inconsistencies of human morality: “Almodovar’s purpose is to thrust us into an ethically uncomfortable position for the moral purpose of revealing to us something about the dispositions of the human heart.”
Moral framing One very interesting aspect of talk to her that Noell Carroll points out is how the characters actions are framed in the film and the effect that has on the audiences' perspective on the situation. For example, at face value we would see Benito's' actions as wrong without question. However, by showing us throughout the film his mental state and condition we are made to sympathies with the character. Another way in which this is done is by never showing the audience they terrible things that our characters do on screen. This is also true of Marco and his under aged relationship. By doing this we are given an unfair perspective of the situation and are subliminally suggested to that these evil actions are somehow not as Sevier. This brings up questions of moral ambiguity that gives new meaning to the films.