Ch. 1, Sec. III. Rome Develops a Republic.
As Greece was declining, the Romans were battling the Greeks and Etruscans for control of the Italian peninsula between 1000 to 500 B.C. The Romans were the victors.
B. Like Greece, voting rights only for citizens. A. Rome starts a Republic (indirect democracy) - power rests w/ citizens who elect their leaders. B. Like Greece, voting rights only for citizens. -- In 509 B.C., Roman aristocrats overthrew the king & created a new gov’t, the Republic.
1. Patricians – aristocratic landowners who had most of the power. C. Two main groups: 1. Patricians – aristocratic landowners who had most of the power. 2. Plebeians – common farmers, artisans, & merchants; can’t hold important gov’t positions. Plebeians
D. Republican Gov’t: (with separate branches) 1. Two Consuls. 2. Legislative Branch: a) Senate – Made up of Patricians. b) Two Assemblies – from lower classes. Consuls were the top two officials in charge of army & gov’t (1 yr term).
The Roman Forum in Rome, Italy, where the Senate used to meet (2004). The Roman Senate.
E. Twelve Tables – Written law; important victory for Plebeians. 1. All free citizens had the right to protection of the law. 2. Laws fairly administered.
F. Roman Law. 1. Used laws to bring conquered people into system. 2. Legal Principles: a) All citizens have equal treatment under the law. b) Innocent until proven guilty. c) Burden of proof rested with the accuser.
G. In 27 A.D., the republic collapsed.
H. 528 A.D., Emperor Justinian condenses all Roman laws. 1. ‘Code of Justinian’ - guide on legal matters. 2. Written laws started idea of “a gov’t of laws, not of men.” The Code of Justinian contained nearly 5,000 Roman laws.
I. Legacy of Rome: 1. Started the “Republic”. Added to Greek idea of democracy. 3. Written legal code applied equally (most important).
ACTIVITY In groups of 2-4, come up with your own “Twelve Tables.” What laws or rules would YOU make if you were in charge of the Republic? Make sure to list 12 laws!
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