Department of Computer Science DCC University of Chile 35 years developing Computing in Chile Department of Computer Science DCC University of Chile
DCC … a tradition of ‘first’ in Chile (1) …35 years developing Computing in Chile DCC … a tradition of ‘first’ in Chile (1) ...Department of Computer Science (1975) ...developer of a software product for worldwide distribution, BIRDS (1980) …sender of an first e-mail among universities (1985) …department joined to the international UUCP Web (1986)
DCC … a tradition of ‘first’ in Chile (2) …35 years developing Computing in Chile DCC … a tradition of ‘first’ in Chile (2) …administrator of the .cl domain(1987 and so far) …host of a Web server in Latin America (1993) …Web site about Chile (1994)
Teaching (accreditated programs) …35 years developing Computing in Chile Teaching (accreditated programs) Undergraduate program Computer Engineering Postgraduate programs Master of Sc. (Computer Sc.) Master in Information Technology Ph.D. (Computer Sc.)
Teaching number of students (2010) …35 years developing Computing in Chile Teaching number of students (2010) Undergraduate program = 180 Postgraduate programs (domestics and foreigners) Master of Sc. = 35 Master in IT = 25 Ph.D. = 30 Summer school (secondary) = 58
Faculty (largest C.S. Department in Chile) …35 years developing Computing in Chile Faculty (largest C.S. Department in Chile) 20 full-time professors 9 foreigners 40 part-time instructors and professors post-docs ad-hoc researchers research assistants
…35 years developing Computing in Chile Centers and Labs (1) CWR Center for Web Research C5 Informatics for Education Center CLCERT Center for Cryptography & Computer Security Research CARL Collaborative Applications Research Lab GMA Algorithms Group
…35 years developing Computing in Chile Centers and Labs (2) MaTE Model and Transformation Engineering NIC Chile .cl domain administration NIC Labs applied research and technology transfer laboratory of NIC Chile LACCIR Latin American Research Virtual Institute (MS sponsored)
…35 years developing Computing in Chile Centers and Labs (3) PLEIAD Programme Languages and Environments for Intelligent, Adaptable and Distributed Systems PRISMA (Pattern Recognition, Similarity Search, and Indexing in Multimedia Archives) Yahoo! Research Latin America
…35 years developing Computing in Chile Lines of research (1) Algorithms and data structures Applied cryptography Computer security Collaborative systems Databases Educational informatics
…35 years developing Computing in Chile Lines of research (2) Human-computer interaction Logic for Computer Science Mesh algorithms and applications Networks, distributed systems and parallelism Programming languages Software engineering Web research
…35 years developing Computing in Chile Research results (1) 50 ISI-indexed international articles (2007-2009) 100 papers on average per year, in congress and international conferences International conferences started by DCC professors Members of journal editorial boards Chilean government committees consultant
…35 years developing Computing in Chile Research results (2) Consulting for Industry Books, book chapters, and others Close research ties with major universities and labs worldwide (USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, etc.)
…35 years developing Computing in Chile Challenges Increase the number of pre and postgraduate students Generate new research associations Increase relation to Industry Introduce to large-scale projects Stimulate multi-disciplinary research
…35 years developing Computing in Chile DCC 1975 - 2010 DCC 2009