HEALTHY VS UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS In groups of 4-6 take envelope and shuffle statement slips As a group separate statements into two piles: Healthy Unhealthy
Put one person before the other by neglecting yourself or your partner Take care of yourself and have good self-esteem independent of your relationship Feel worried when you disagree with the other person Are able to feel secure and comfortable Feel pressure to quit activities you usually/used to enjoy Maintain relationships with friends and family Allow and encourage other relationships Feel pressure to change who you are for the other person Have a lack of privacy, and may be forced to share everything with them
Notice one of you has to justify your actions (e. g Notice one of you has to justify your actions (e.g. where you go, who you see) Are able to express yourselves to one another without fear of consequences Maintain and respect each other's individuality Have activities apart from one another Notice one partner feels obligated to have sex or has been forced Pressure the other person into agreeing with you or changing to suit you better
HEALTHY VS UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS Reflection Q’s How did you decide if a statements were HEALTHY or UNHEALTHY? Was it dependent on gender roles? Past experiences?
COMMUNICATION AND RELATIONSHIPS How important is GOOD communication in relationships? Watch and list the video “How to Communicate Better in a Relationship”. List and describe the methods of communication to help build a healthy relationship.
GENDER ROLES AND STEREOTYPES Brainstorm and list terms to describe the opposite gender Brainstorm and list characteristics you look for in a person you date. Discussion Why are the terms used to describe each gender so negative and the characteristics looked for in a partner so positive? Is it possible to have all of the desired characteristics? What roles do self-esteem, values, respect, communication and responsible decision-making play in dating? How does the media/society play a role in defining gender roles and stereotypes.