The art of a styrofoam cup Styrogami The art of a styrofoam cup
Purpose: Learn about artists who look at space in interesting ways such as Jules Vitali, founder of Styrogami. Demonstrating how positive and negative space depend on each other to make the space interesting. Use repetition and balance to unify their sculptures.
Artist Examples
Knot Kathyrn E. Martin Made from 40,000 Styrofoam cup bottoms
Flotant Kathyrn E. Martin Rings cut from over 50,000 cups
Tara Donovan
The Playing Fields by Craig R. Wedderspoon Made from Styrofoam, plaster, epoxy Styrofoam Mona Lisa by Fabio
Styrofoam Tree Dio Mendoza Styrofoam Cups Ceiling Light Paul Cocksedge