Union Settlement & Metropolitan Hospital Teddy Bear Clinic
Teddy Bear Clinics around the country
General Objectives increase familiarity with the routine in different areas of the hospital decrease anxiety with routine medical procedures Role play the physician examiner
General Objectives increase familiarity with medical equipment used in routine clinic visit Stethoscope Otoscope Ophthalmoscope Sphygmomanometer baby cuffs Tongue blade Bandaids
Specific Objectives Other topics that can be introduced via an established Teddy Bear Clinic. These topics can be expanded as needed for slightly older students etc.
Specific Objectives Hygiene learn that washing hands is a critical part of the doctor visit learn to wash hands with proper technique before examining Teddy Nutrition learn that the doctor will check Teddys weight and height and ask about exercise learn that Teddy needs to drink less juice and more water
Specific Objectives Injury Prevention learn that Teddy is at risk for injury if he is not wearing a bicycle helmet Asthma learn that Teddy can take medicines that will keep him from getting sick
Format 10 children – 2 groups (5 parents with their teddy bear patients) (5 examiners with white coats) Examiners will take turns interviewing a parent and examining a patient with the different equipment. The preceptor will prompt them to ask questions related to the Specific Objectives. Every child gets an opportunity to role play the examiner and the parent.
Prerequisites Exam table ( 2 school desks with paper rolls) Small white coats (5) Teddy bear patients (favorite stuffed toy brought by students; should have extras in case some children are without) Medical equipment (brought by Dr. Mack) Clinic preceptors (Dr. Mack and resident)
Future directions May also add and ADMITTING station give ID bands to all patients ER station learn about scrapes and sprains etc. X-RAY station
Teddy Bear Union Settlement