Who is responsible for Macbeth’s crimes?


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Presentation transcript:

Who is responsible for Macbeth’s crimes? Pick your top choice. Write A, B, or Don’t care on a slip of paper. Team A: Macbeth is solely responsible for his actions. He acted on his own free will. Team B: Lady Macbeth, the witches, fate, and/or his culture are responsible for these crimes.

Who is responsible for Macbeth’s crimes? Team A: Macbeth is solely responsible for his actions. He acted on his own free will. Team B: Lady Macbeth, the witches, fate, and/or his culture are responsible for these crimes. Each side will split into pairs (or a triad): One pair will construct the opening argument. One pair will construct the closing argument. The other pairs will create supporting points using quotes from the text. One pair will create a feasible rebuttal to the opposition’s counterclaim, also quoting the text.

Who is responsible for Macbeth’s crimes? Team A: Macbeth is solely responsible for his actions. He acted on his own free will. Team B: Lady Macbeth, the witches, fate, and/or his culture are responsible for these crimes. Teams will debate each other during class. Which team will win? Victory will fall to the team that can back up its claim with adequate evidence and knock down the opposition’s argument. Remember to CITE YOUR QUOTES (Act, scene, and lines!)