The Influence of Motivation and Anxiety on Speaking Ability By : Muhammad Yusuf Graduate of Student of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Introduction Motivation Issues: Nunan (1999, p. 233) Real or perceived lack of progress. Uninspiring teaching. Perceived lack of relevance of materials. Lack of knowledge about the program goals. Lack of appropriate feedback Nunan (1999, p. 233)
Anxiety Issues: communication apprehension, test anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation (Horwitz & Cope, 1986 )
2. Literature Review Krashen's affective filter hypothesis (1982) stresses that to learn effectively, students need high motivation and low anxiety.
Discussion Brown (1994:122) stated, “English has become a tool for International communication in transportation, commerce, banking, tourism, technology, diplomacy, and scientific research”. Many studies show that motivation has a positive relationship with willingness to communicate, so language learners who have a high willingness to communicate will have more motivation ( MacIntyre & Charos, 1996 ; Hashimoto, 2002 ).
2. Methodology A. Participants Third level of undergraduate students majoring in Law . B. Setting It will be carried out at Language Development Center UIN SUSKA RIAU C. Data Collection Questionnaires and Interview
Conclusion To find out the relationship of students’ motivation and anxiety on speaking ability at Language Development Center UIN SUSKA RIAU.
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