The Perfect Referral Business
America’s Tax Systems Currently: There are two different set of rules in America’s tax system: Individual vs Business Individuals – deductions are narrow Business – deductions are broad Why doesn’t everyone own a business?
Why Doesn’t Everyone Own a Business? Five obstacles in owning a business: Lack of knowledge Cost Time Experience/expertise needed Fear
Lack of Knowledge IRS Regulations Generally, an activity qualifies as a business if it is carried on with the reasonable expectation of earning a profit.
Cost Your benefits received annually: Investment - $19.95/month $1,300 to $5,000 Investment - $19.95/month Revise W-4 to reduce income tax withholdings Money-back Guarantee
Time Involvement Each member is given a personalized tracking link to a landing page – We suggest sending this link at least five times a month. Include this response in correspondence (email, text or social media) with friends and acquaintances who may want to save on their taxes: P.S. My CPA recently told me about a way I could save a lot on my taxes, and I thought that you may want to take a look yourself. Go to:
Experience/Expertise Needed Referring others A natural response to something you like and an activity you are presently performing This is the function that provides a reasonable expectation to earn a profit that is required by the IRS to qualify the activity as a business The Perfect Referral Business is one of the 15 Strategies that SASBA has developed to help its clients get better control of their personal finances. Join TakeCharge Solution for free to help individual gain better control of their personal finances
Fear You are not alone SASBA’s national network of professional tax preparers Online training Oversee compliance and integrity of program Your SASBA CPA Locate Provides highly discounted tax preparation services
The Perfect Referral Business The Perfect Referral Business is SASBA’s prototype business and requires no risk, little to no additional time involvement, no corporation, LLC, or permits, no storefront, no employees, no inventory, no selling and most importantly, the business has a reasonable expectation of earning a profit. The reasonable expectation of earning a profit is one of the primary IRS requirements of whether or not an activity should be considered a business.
The Perfect Referral Business