Provide at least two reasons Agenda 8/22/16 LOOK first: Review notes QUIZ: 32 points Philosophers Six Purposes of Government Preamble Bell work Is democracy more or less efficient than dictatorship? Provide at least two reasons Start Notes outline: Forms of Government Think/Pair/ Share Question Exit review How much are these worth now?
Objectives What are the different forms of government around the world? How are democracy and dictatorship different/similar?
State Standards GC. 45 Compare and contrast the relationship of government and civil society in constitutional democracies to the relationship of government and civil society in authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. (H, P)
Forms of Government
Classifying Forms of Government Each government can be grouped according to three sets of characteristics: Number who can participate Geographic distribution of power Relationship between the Legislative and Executive branches
1. Number Who Can Participate Anarchy: Absence of government Many times after war or when governments lose control Example: Somalia? Parts of Iraq and Syria?
1. Number Who Can Participate Dictatorship: Autocracy: a single individual holds ultimate political power (North Korea) Oligarchy: power is held by a small group of elite – usually self appointed (Iran) Totalitarian: rule by a single political party (China)
Exit Ticket Three Characteristics of Classifying Forms of Governments are..
Agenda Wednesday 8/23/17 Bell work: Explain the difference between DIRECT and INDIRECT Notes, discussion, and activity Direct and Indirect Democracy Geographic Distribution of power Exit Ticket
Objectives What are the different forms of government around the world? How are democracy and dictatorship different/similar?
State Standards GC. 45 Compare and contrast the relationship of government and civil society in constitutional democracies to the relationship of government and civil society in authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. (H, P)
Number Who Can Participate Monarchy: One ruler (King/Queen) usually with absolute power, passed down through family Example: Jordan What theory of State Formation could account for the power in the form of a Monarchy? Divine Right Theory
Favorite Kind of Ice Cream Wait…..What?
Answer the question on the Ballot My favorite kind of Ice Cream is…… (CIRCLE ONE) Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry Other: _______________________
Number Who Can Participate Democracy: government with consent of the people (people hold the power) Direct democracy: will of the people passes directly into law, usually in mass meetings (town hall meetings) Indirect democracy: (representative democracy): a small group, chosen by people, act as representatives to express popular will. Example: United States
Geographic Distribution of Power Unitary Government: Centralized government where all power is held by single agency (France) Federal Government: Powers are equally divided between a central and local governments Example: United States Confederation: Alliance of independent states (European Union)
Check and Balance Partner Work Remember your roles With your partner…. Draw a picture of each of the Geographic Distributions of Power in a Government Unitary Federal Confederate 15 points We will share out
2. Geographic Distribution of Power Unitary Government: Centralized government where all power is held by single agency (France)
Federal Government: Powers are equally divided between a central and local governments Example: United States
Confederation: Alliance of independent states (European Union)
EXIT TICKET: Draw the Venn Diagram, then explain how a direct and indirect democracy is alike and different Indirect Direct Alike
Agenda Thursday 8/24/17 Bell work: What is the difference between a Presidential Democracy and a Parliamentary Democracy? Get out your Notes sheet (Forms of Government; we are going to finish. Presidential v. Parliamentary government Think/Pair/ Share Quiz Tomorrow: Forms of Government
Objectives What are the different forms of government around the world? How are democracy and dictatorship different/similar?
State Standards GC. 45 Compare and contrast the relationship of government and civil society in constitutional democracies to the relationship of government and civil society in authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. (H, P)
3. Relationship Between the Legislative and Executive Branches Presidential government: Executive and legislative branches are independent and coequal Example: United States Parliamentary Government: Executive (Prime Minister & cabinet) are members of the legislative branch (Great Britain)
Presidential vs. Parliamentary Draw your version of this Picture in your notes, yes it can look like this one Presidential vs. Parliamentary
Let’s look at it in a Video!
Question/ work with your check and balance partner to answer.. 2 minutes How would you classify the government of the United States? Select One for each: Indirect or Direct Democracy Unitary,Federal, or Confederate Government Presidential or Parlimentary Government
How would you classify the government of the United States? Correct Answer! How would you classify the government of the United States? Indirect Democracy Federal Government Presidential Government
Exit Ticket: With Your Check and Balance Partner Compare and contrast democracy with dictatorship: (Fill in the chart; Go over in about 6 minutes…. Yes, you need to talk to your partner on Topic. Democracy Dictatorship Sovereign power is held by: Those who rule are responsible to: Power is gained by: Power is held by the people Power held by the individual dictator They are responsible to the people Responsible only to their own ideas Election by the people Typically by force
Review the following terms/concepts: Take a Picture with your cell phone Review the following terms/concepts: Parliamentary vs. presidential gov’t Dictatorship Autocracy vs. oligarchy Direct vs. indirect democracy Federal vs. unitary government Classification of U.S. gov’t Quiz: Tomorrow (It’s going to look a bit different, but don’t freak out!