Proposal for a workshop on monitoring EURO-INBO 2013 Information and discussion – SCG 2 May 2013 France 1
Not a technical workshop but more operation focused CONTEXT, OBJECTIVES Preparation of the 2nd RBMP Review of monitoring networks and programmes Contribue to the framing of the revised WFD compliant monitoring programmes support implementation, build long-term reflections on operational aspects Yearly conference of EURO-INBO Gathering of basin organisations involved in WFD implementation October 2013 Prospective and sharing of experiences Exchange on explanatory elements of monitoring strategies of Member States A kind of peer review on WFD implementation Not a technical workshop but more operation focused Profile of attendants: generalist field managers; WFD competent authorities and basin organisations; water managers and decision makers 2
INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF BASIN ORGANISATIONS, MEMBERS: “Basin Organizations”, entrusted by relevant public administrations with integrated water resources management at the level of important river basins, either national, federal or transboundary, as well as the cooperation structures they have developed among them. the governmental administrations in charge or interested in applying integrated and sustainable water resources management: organized at the level of river basins, associating administrations and local authorities, as well as users, having specific budgetary resources at their disposal, obtained by applying the “user-polluter-pays” principle. bi and multilateral co-operation agencies supporting activities related to integrated and sustainable water resources management at the level of river basins.
FIRST APPROACH – Topics to be investigated Monitoring strategy how to conceal different objectives what reasons for monitoring specifications Organisation and role of actors involvement of private socio-professional actors funding quality assessment, quality control Use of monitoring results publication and use of data 4
FIRST APPROACH – Format and outcomes Half-day workshop back-to-back to EURO-INBO 2013 Plenary session and 3 break-out sessions/sub-groups (focusing on the 3 main topics) Specific questions to answer + report back to the plenary session Expected outcomes recommendations regarding monitoring programmes based on shared experiences identification of main points and orientations for definition and implementation of monitoring programmes long-term and emerging subjects R&D topics Dissemination of outcomes report of the outcomes to the EURO-INBO conference dissemination of the outcomes to the SCG publication
The SCG is invited to Take note of this event and pass this information internally at national and river basin levels Plan to attend the workshop Give feedback on the proposed topics to be addressed Express interest in joining the steering committee Express interest in giving a presentation during the workshop or acting as facilitator, rapporteur, etc. Express opinion on more precise topics to be covered by the workshop Express ideas on questions to be addressed by the sub-groups (break-out sessions) Send their answers by 13 May 2013 to
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