www2.hawaii.edu/~barkai Google: John Barkai The Clinical Program
Immigration Public Interest Clinic Business of Law Practice Legislative Drafting
Courses satisfying the clinic requirement Child Welfare Clinic Defense Clinic Elder Law Clinic (& Adv) Environmental Law Clinic Environmental Litigation Seminar Estate Planning Workshop Entrepreneurship & Small Business Family Law Clinic Immigration Law Clinic Innocence Project Lawyering Skills Mediation Workshop Medical Legal Partnership Native Hawaiian Rights Clinic Native Hawaiian Litigation seminar Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Pretrial Litigation Prosecution Clinic Small Business Clinic Trial Practice Public Interest Clinic
All Clinic Courses (credits, spring/fall only) enrollment limit Simulation Courses Negotiation & ADR (2 s) no limit Trial Practice (2) 12 Pretrial Litigation (2) 2x12 Lawyering Skills (3) 10 Mediation Workshop (2 f) 16 Estate Planning Workshop (3 s) 14 Environmental Litigation (2 eof) Live-Client Clinics Prosecution (3-4) 12 Defense (3) 12 Elder Law (3 ) 12; Advanced (3) Family Law (3 f) 6 Child Welfare (3 s) 20 Native Hawaiian Rights (3 s) 10 Environmental Law (3) (3 of 4 semesters ) 8 Innocence Project (4) 14 (Adv) Immigration (3 s) (8) Entrepreneurship & Small Business (3) 6 Medical Legal Partnership (4) 4-law Externships Hawaii (2-4) (2-6 summer) Asia-Pacific (12) eof = every other fall f = Fall; s = Spring 3 of 4, not fall eoy
Core Competency Areas 1) Resolving conflicts without trial Negotiation Mediation Lawyering Skills 2) Trial and hearing skills Trial Practice Pretrial Practice (depositions Prosecution/Defense clinics 3) Representing clientsAny of the many clinics 4) How lawyers work together Externships – (does not count towards the clinical requirement)