[New HIS on ICTs and Climate Change] DOCUMENT #: GSC13-PLEN-46 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: TTC AGENDA ITEM: Opening/Plenary 6.9 CONTACT(S): Shiro NISHI, You SOMEMURA [New HIS on ICTs and Climate Change] Proposal to Standardize Methodology for Evaluating Energy Saving Impact of ICT Services Submission Date: July 3, 2008
Japan enacted the Kyoto Protocol in Kyoto in December 1997. Initiatives of Japan Japan enacted the Kyoto Protocol in Kyoto in December 1997. Japan proposed the approach for “Possible Sectoral Efficiency Indicators” post-Kyoto Protocol for CO2 reduction. Japan proposed a target of reducing the GHG in the world by half by 2050. Japanは1997年12月に京都議定書を制定した。 The issue of climate change needs to be tackled from a global perspective through international cooperation, because its impact affects the entire planet and it is growing more serious every year, threatening achievement of the goal of the UDFCC. 以上、ロンドンシンポの議長レポから Estimates from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) showed that global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the primary cause of climate change, have risen by 70 per cent since 1970. 以上、ロンドンシンポの議長レポから The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated GHG emission had risen by more than 70% since 1970; and this is having a global effect in warming the planet, causing changing weather patterns, rising sea-levels, desertification, shrinking ice cover and other worrying long-term effects. It also foresees a further rise in average global temperatures of between 1.4 and 5.8° centigrade by 2030. In Kyoto, in December 1997, the world took concrete steps to mitigate climate change with a roadmap to a new international agreement to limit and reduce GHG emissions. 以上、ロンドンシンポの議長レポから The first commitment period set out in the Kyoto Protocol runs from 2008 to 2012 and a UN-led process is now underway to develop a successor agreement to limit and reduce GHG emissions. 以上、ロンドンシンポの議長レポから
Negative & Positive Aspects of ICTs Negative aspects: Consumption of resources and energy Generation of waste Positive aspects: Improvement of industry efficiency Saving of resources and energy Spread of recycling and reusing materials CO2 emissions (Bt-CO2) 30 20 10 Reduction by ICTs of ICTs Year All Other Sectors ICT Sector The spread of information and communication technologies (ICTs) influences the environment. Problems such as consumption of resources and energy and the generation of waste are negative aspects. Positive aspects are that utilizing ICTs improves industry efficiency and that servicizing promotes the saving of resources and energy and the spread of recycling and reusing materials. Here, we propose a solution for the pressing global warming issue that is impacting the global environment. Contribution to resolve global warming by promoting use of ICTs “Enhancing the efficiency of energy use,” “enhancing the efficiency of and reducing the production and consumption of goods,” “reducing the movement of people and goods,” and “measuring and monitoring of the environment.” CO2 Reduction of All Other Sectors by ICTs
Activities of Japan “Study Group on ICT System and Network for Reducing Environmental Impacts” (MIC [2007.3]) Guideline for enterprises and municipalities for enlightenment on reducing environmental impact by using ICTs “Study Group on ICT Policies for Resolving Global Warming Problems” (MIC [2008.4]) Consumption of ICTs In 2012, ICTs will contribute to a reduction of 38 (= 68-30) million tons of CO2 in ICT and broadcasting sectors. 30Mt-CO2 環境負荷低減に資するICTシステム及びネットワークの調査研究会 ICTの持つ環境効果の普及啓発のために企業・自治体向けのガイドラインを2007.3に発行 “Enhancing the efficiency of energy use,” “enhancing the efficiency of and reducing the production and consumption of goods,” “reducing the movement of people and goods,” and “measuring and monitoring of the environment.” 地球温暖化問題への対応に向けたICT政策に関する研究会 30 million t-CO2 is estimated to be exhausted in 2012 by using ICT equipment. However, 68 million t-CO2 will be saved by using ICT services; therefore, ICTs will contribute 38 million t-CO2 savings. (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Japan [2008.4]) % of CO2 emission 68Mt-CO2 Reduction effect by ICTs
Necessity of Methodology There are no methodologies for evaluating and quantifying GHG reduction of other sectors by using ICTs. Valid? Common to other countries? Acceptable for other sectors? Therefore, we DO need a standard for the method.
Highlight of Current TTC Activities TTC Task Force on ICTs and Climate Change (February 2008~) Purpose: Developing methodology for how ICTs can contribute to climate change and discussing matters that should be standardized internationally Members: Telecommunications providers, vendors, and MIC ITU Kyoto Symposium (April 2008) Energy saving contributions by using ICT services Need for an internationally agreed common methodology for measuring environmental impact of ICTs on climate change Proposal for establishment of a new FG Proposal to TSB of a New FG and ToR (May 2008) ITU London Symposium (June 2008) Proposal about ToR of new FG TTC Task Force on ICTs and Climate Change (February 2008~) Purpose: From the viewpoint of standardization, how ICTs can contribute to climate change is examined and matters that should be standardized internationally are discussed, while cooperating with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Members: Telecommunications providers and makers Observer: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications ITU Kyoto Symposium on ICTs and Climate Change (April 2008) Energy saving contributions of various social activities by using ICT services were mentioned. The need for an internationally agreed common methodology for measuring the environmental impact of ICTs on climate change was mentioned. The establishment of a new focus group (FG) was proposed to proceed with the work. Proposal to TSB of a New FG and Terms of Reference (ToR) (May 2008) ITU London Symposium on ICTs and Climate Change (June 2008) Proposal about ToR of new FG TSAG of ITU-T (July 2008) Appropriate structure in ITU-T to deal with ICT and climate change Establishment of new FG and approval of ToR New FG “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” at TSAG of ITU-T (July 2008)
Scope of Focus Group Internationally agreed common methodology for measuring the following impacts of ICTs on climate change: Direct impacts on ICT systems and services => Power reduction methods Indirect impacts through application of ICTs to various social and economic sectors => CO2 saving calculation methods
Reduction effect by ICTs Proposed Methodology Energy consumption reduction through the use of ICTs is defined as the difference between the energy consumption reduction effect by using ICTs and energy consumption of ICTs. Energy consumption reduction Reduction effect by ICTs Consumption of ICTs = -
Proposed Strategic Collaborative Direction in GSC (Resolutions) An environmental impact evaluation methodology is indispensable for achieving both energy savings by an ICT system itself and energy savings by other sectors using ICT services. To encourage PSOs to contribute to the ITU-T initiatives on ICT and climate change in order to standardize both energy-saving ICT systems and the methodologies for analyzing, evaluating, and quantifying GHG reductions that may be achieved through the use of ICTs. To support the establishment and early implementation of the WTSA2008 resolution on ICTs and climate change. This is a challenging proposal because this methodology will influence all sectors of society, including the ICT sector. An environmental impact evaluation methodology is indispensable for achieving both energy savings by an ICT system itself and energy savings by other sectors using ICT services. To encourage PSOs to contribute to the ITU-T initiatives on ICT and climate change in order to standardize both energy-saving ICT systems and the methodologies for analyzing, evaluating, and quantifying GHG reductions that may be achieved through the use of ICTs. To support the establishment and early implementation of the WTSA2008 resolution on ICTs and climate change. This is a challenging proposal because this methodology will influence all sectors of society, including the ICTs sector.
Next Steps/Actions of TTC in Support of ITU-T Initiatives At a new FG meeting of ITU-T, TTC will support the discussion for standardizing a methodology for evaluating the energy-saving impact of ICT services in collaboration with other PSOs. FG will hold its first meeting in September 2008, followed by a meeting every two months. FG will submit the outcomes to the first meeting of TSAG (April 2009) in the next study period (2009-2012) for their consideration. Future TTC Contribution Proposal of the methodology Support in managing and operating FG Liaison with other related organizations