with colliding electron-positron beams (Super Charm-Tau Factory, SCT)


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Presentation transcript:

with colliding electron-positron beams (Super Charm-Tau Factory, SCT) Accelerator complex with colliding electron-positron beams (Super Charm-Tau Factory, SCT) P.V.Logachev Director Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Novosibirsk, RUSSIA 1

SCT physics case: challenges for Particle Physics ► D-Dbar mixing ► CP violation searches in charm decays ► Rare and forbidden charm decays ► Standard Model tests in  leptons decays ► Searches for lepton flavor violation t→mg ► CP/T violation searches in  leptons decays ► … high complementarity with Belle-II at Super KEKB, LHCb at LHC, PANDA at FAIR, first of all – flavor physics, study of nucleon matter and antimatter, search for new phenomena beyond the Standard Model. SCT technology case: accelerator S&T The concept of the new collider is based on a new method to increase the luminosity, which was proposed by physicists from INFN (Italy) and developed by INFN and BINP experts Similar accelerator approaches are used at SCT, Super KEK-B and FCCe Accelerator technologies developed for SCT are very demand for other Russian mega science projects: NICA, SSRS-4 Two rings, 800 m each Crab waist Collision energy from 2 GeV to 5 (6) GeV Luminosity: 5·1034 cm-2s-1 at 2 GeV and 1035 cm-2 s-1 at 4 GeV Longitudinally polarized electron beam at IP Extensive use of SC wigglers to control damping parameters and tune optimal luminosity in the whole energy range 2

SCT current status: R&D and design Future facility at the Budker Institute landscape Detailed physics program is developed Preliminary CDR was issued (in 2011), is updated in 2018, is go on … R&D for accelerator and detector is in progress, prototypes and key elements were designed and produced Preliminary civil engineering and infrastructure design is completed IT requirements are identified ... Artistic view of future facility

SCT current status: operation and upgrade of existing accelerator infrastructure Budker Institute, with 2700 employers, is a one of the world's leading research centers in the field of PP, accelerator physics and technology, synchrotron radiation, free electron lasers, high-temperature plasma, and controlled thermonuclear fusion. Since 2016 injection complex providing both BINP colliders VEPP-4M and VEPP-2000 with the electron and positron beams First positron beam First positron beam Today, two out of the six existing in the World colliders are operating In BINP! Beam line to VEPP-2000 500 MeV damping ring Beam transfer line Linear accelerator

SCT current status: expertise and partnership development The conceptual design of the new facility, which had been developed at the BINP with the participation of Russian and foreign partners, was highly evaluated by Russian and foreign experts Dedicated meeting of European Committee on Future Accelerators, ECFA in 2011 declared, in particular, that …Committee members are all convinced by the physics case of the SCT … Contribution of such a machine would further enhance the international role of Russia and attract a worldwide interest In 2012, the SCT project got highest scores with specific recommendations of the Expert Group on the Assessment of EU Cooperation with Six Russian Federal Megascience Projects (European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation): …this project would be an immensely appropriate project for Novosibirsk and it would give Russia a place at the table of a small club with world-class machines. First positron beam A number of countries and facilities have been formally involved in SCT to date (MoU/LoU, cooperation agreemnt etc.). These include: Switzerland (European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, Genève) – international organization China (Institute of High Energy Physics, IHEP, Bejing) Italy (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Frascati – INFN-LNF) Japan (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK) UK (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science, JAL) … International scientific organizations (CERN, JINR) and authoritative and prominent scientists (among them – Atsuto Suzuki, Rolf Heuer, Tatsuya Nakada, and Nobel Prize Winner in Physics Martin Perl) have expressed their support for the SCT.

SCT current status: executive progress In 2011, the SCT project became one of the six mega-science class projects selected by a Governmental Commission for implementation on the territory of the Russian Federation. In June 2017, the SCT project is included in the plan for the implementation of the first phase of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation (activity: formation of international collaborations, completion of design, feasibility study – should be completed till October, 2019) A number of agreements between Russian research organizations for development and creation of new mega-science facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation are signed Support from EU – grant CREMLIN (Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures), 2015-2018, in partnership with CERN Preliminary road map and CDR are prepared, this work is go on with expanding participation of Russian and international community First Meeting of International Advisory Committee – May, 26-27, 2018 First positron beam

SCT road map of construction SCT is expected to have a life span of at least 15 years, it may be expanded to more than 25 years

SCT management structure at the construction stage

SCT current status: R&D funding The funding required for the construction was very preliminary estimated in 2011 as 400 mln. Euros. It should include contributions from the Russian Federal budget, foreign partners and non-budgetary sources. Construction of a social infrastructure in the local area is foreseen with local business involvement.  Till now more than 2 bln. Rbls (37 mln. Euros) were already spent for R&D of the project (both detector and collider) as well as related engineering infrastructure (50/50 budget and off-budget funds), including injector complex (positron source), buildings and tunnels. In August, 2017, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and Budker Institute signed an agreement for an amount of about 0,2 bln. Rbls (3 mln. Euros) for the period 2017-2018, which foresees the development and upgrade of the accelerator complex of BINP and the creation of scientific and technical groundwork for the implementation of the SCT Apart from that, SCT R&D is supported in part by: mega-grant of Russian Science Foundation 14-50-00080 (0,8 bln. Rbls for the period 2015-2018, nearly 20% - SCT R&D), Russian Government Grant for Leading Scientists 14 W03.31.0026 (90 mln. Rbls for the period 2018-2020, nearly 30% - SCT R&D), … First positron beam

Summary and conclusions Active work on the SCT project with the record luminosity is being under way at Budker Institute for already a few years. During this time the physics program of experiments with the new facility was developed. It was shown that the realization of the project will allow solving a number of fundamental physics problems unachievable by other facilities. First edition of detailed conceptual design report of the accelerator complex and the detector of the SCT was issued a few years ago, it is now under update process. A number of prototypes of accelerator key elements were designed and produced. Designing of buildings, facilities and other infrastructure has begun. The new injection complex for the future facility has been built and put into operation. Budker Institute continues to work toward defining policies and developing priorities for international partnerships & collaborations of the SCT project.

Thank you for your attention! Welcome to Novosibirsk!