EU Structural and Investment Fund Growth Programme Social Inclusion
Who is in the room? Specialists Leaders/experts from each local area Funding experts
Aims of the workshop To determine the priorities for each local area which make up the Marches LEP To identify similar themes across the localities which will influence future working/funding opportunities
EU Structural and Investment Funds European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Research, innovation, business development (including SE ) and infrastructure investment European Social Fund (ESF) Training, enhancing access to employment and social inclusion 20% Social Inclusion European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), Will be aligned with the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). This funding should begin to come on stream in mid-2014. Community Led Local Development and Leader funding
Social Inclusion European Context The Europe 2020 strategy has a goal of promoting social inclusion, in particular through the reduction of poverty; To lift at least 20milion people across the EU out of the risk of poverty and social exclusion National Policy Context Governments Strategy for Social Justice “ Social Justice: Transforming Lives” sets out the commitment to giving individuals and families facing multiple disadvantage the support and tools they need to turn their lives around.
EU Structural & Investment Funds Core Themes Minimum spending levels at national level required by the regulations Less Developed Regions Transition Regions (Shropshire) More Developed Regions Employment At least 60% ESF must be spent on up to 4 sub- priorities within these themes At least 70% ESF must be spent on up to 4 sub-priorities within these themes At least 80% ESF must be spent on up to 4 sub-priorities within these themes Skills Social Inclusion (at least 20% value of ESF) Transition Regions: Devon Lincolnshire East Yorkshire & N. Lincolnshire Shropshire & Staffordshire South Yorkshire Merseyside Lancashire Tees Valley & Durham Highlands & Islands Cumbria Northern Ireland 6
Thematic Objectives For ESF (but ERDF can also be used as well) TO 8: Promoting Employment and Supporting Labour Mobility TO 9: Promoting Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty TO10: Investing in Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning Due to the European requirement for at least 80% of European Social Fund to be focused on four investment priorities in more developed areas (and at least 70% and 60% in transition and less developed areas respectively) for thematic objectives 8,9 and 10, Local Enterprise Partnerships are encouraged to focus on activities that would align with the following investment priorities:
Investment Priorities Access to employment for job-seekers and inactive people, including local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility. Sustainable integration of young people, in particular those not in employment, education or training into the labour market. Active inclusion in particular with a view to improving employability Enhancing access to lifelong learning, upgrading the skills and competences of the workforce and increasing the labour market relevance of education and training systems; including improving the quality of vocational education and training and the establishment and development of work-based learning and apprenticeship schemes such as dual learning systems
Papers available on tables Overview of the ESI funds - Helga Edstrom’s slides from workshop 1 Funding priorities Possible activities that would meet the objectives Criteria for evaluation Consolidated lists of result indicators PLUS: Local area specific identified needs from papers shared ahead of the session
Identifying and consolidating priorities Each local area to discuss key priorities within its reach. What is known at the moment? (current priorities) What trends are emerging? (future priorities) What are the challenges to addressing these priorities? What issues are emerging but do not fit within social inclusion?
Presentation from each local area Each local area to discuss key priorities within its reach. What is known at the moment? (current priorities) What trends are emerging? (future priorities) What are the challenges to addressing these priorities? What issues are emerging but do not fit within social inclusion? Herefordshire Shropshire Telford and Wrekin
What next? Priorities and interdependencies will be typed up. Sign off will be sought for the priorities. Next session: Priorities presented Delivery models described Projects which might meet the priorities developed