USCA Level I Instructor Clinic United States Curling Association Level I Instructor
Your Instructors Today Lead Instructor – ( insert name ) Second Instructor – ( insert name ) Level I Instructor
Agenda Welcome, Introductions, & Overview Classroom Discussions Break Duties of Club Instructors How to Run Effective “Learn to Curl” Sessions Current USA Curling Techniques Break On-ice Demonstrations Classroom Wrap-up Level I Instructor
Housekeeping Discussion format – let’s talk! Restrooms Schedule Breaks Lunch Questions? Level I Instructor
Clinic Objective Learn to teach beginners how to curl in a safe, fun, and organized environment Level I Instructor
Things to Remember Safety, safety and more safety Teach USCA approved techniques Dress appropriately – look sharp Have fun Help participants be successful Help participants have fun Level I Instructor
Roles of Level I Instructors Club Instructors Teach novice curlers Instrumental in recruitment of new club members Level I Instructor
Level I Instructor Activities Open house with hundreds of people or pre-game two minute crash course Learn-to-Curl clinics & Beginner Leagues Junior Programs, Little Rockers, Juniors, School Leagues, etc. P.E. Programs, High School & College Media or other fun-spiels Corporate & team-building events Other? Level I Instructor
Roles of Level II Instructors Advanced instructors and competitive coaches Teach Level I Instructors Assist club members to improve in all areas of the game Contribute to club member retention Level I Instructor
Level II Instructor Activities Conduct Level I Instructor Clinics Intermediate Junior Instruction Intermediate and refresher clinics Delivery analysis and improvement Video analysis Use of delivery training aids Drills Sweeping, interval timing, weight judgment Team communication Strategy and tactics Level I Instructor
Benefits of a USCA Certified Instructional Program Use of successful methods of instruction Enhanced recruitment of new members Development of curling skills through proper instruction Increases member satisfaction Increases member retention Increases the level of club competition Consistency of instruction among club instructors Properly trained and experienced instructors add value to club activities and membership Level I Instructor
How to Get Started Recognize the need Who takes the lead? Recruit an instructional team Design instructional offering to meet club needs Decide appropriate timing of offerings Identify target audience Promotions Level I Instructor
Instruction Team 4:1 student to instructor ratio is ideal Identify the lead instructor & assistants Teach USCA approved techniques Don’t “show off” or intimidate Present info on “need to know” basis – avoid information overload Level I Instructor
Instruction Team Agree on agenda & timeframe Attitude—Make the experience fun Attire—look professional Be prepared Murphy’s Law: The best recruiters are often the worst instructors Level I Instructor
Instruction Team Be organized—you are competing for participants’ valuable time Be aware you are responsible for safety of participants Don’t make apologies—put a positive spin on everything Level I Instructor
Club Preparations Welcoming entry, warm room, & bathrooms Attractive playing area Excellent ice conditions Working audio address system Adequate curling equipment: grippers, sliders, brooms, sticks, stabilizers etc. Coffee, hot chocolate, cookies etc. Level I Instructor
Club Preparations Greeters Sign-in sheets Liability release forms Name tags Curling video and other instructional aids Promotional materials Level I Instructor
Club Preparations Instructional Aids Overhead projectors Flip Charts Handouts Posters Strategy Board Demonstration curling stone Level I Instructor
Club Risk Management Instructors are the front line for safety for both the participants and the club Ensure participants have proper footwear—athletic type rubber-soled shoes such as tennis shoes Be aware of other hazards—standing water, areas of frost or uneven ice etc. Keep a stocked first aid kit at the ice surface Level I Instructor
Club Risk Management Ensure the safety of participants’ personal belongings. If possible, provide a locked area and ensure the area is monitored (arenas) Level I Instructor
Safety and Club Risk Management Know your club’s liability policy and the consequences for unsigned waivers Most clubs require that nobody steps on the ice without a completed insurance liability release form Unexecuted forms may increase club liability by $2500 per claim Level I Instructor
Safety and Club Risk Management Sample ice usage policy: “The XYZ Curling Club will not allow any participants on the ice whose balance appears impaired from sickness, medications or alcohol.” Level I Instructor
Participant Safety Importance of stretching and warm-up Participants should have gripper shoes No running on the ice Safe use of sliders Use broom head down to help with balance Sweep safely—if you can’t keep up, let it go! Level I Instructor
Participant Safety Demonstrate stepping on and off the ice surface No lifting or carrying stones No stopping stones with your hands – use your broom No pushing stones toward people with their backs turned Pay attention on the ice! (no cell phones etc.) Level I Instructor
Training Sequences Inform (instructor provides information) Demonstrate (assistants demonstrate on each sheet) Learners try Feedback (positive and constructive) Practice (learners repeat) Level I Instructor
Training Methods Lead Instructor Provides Information Sequential presentations on agenda items: Flat-foot balanced slide – training wheels, hand elevated, with stone Grip, turn, & release – play catch Practice slides emphasizing alignment Sweeping Level I Instructor
Training Methods Demonstrate Assistants demonstrate current USCA accepted techniques following presentation on each element If you aren’t able to demonstrate the technique properly, find someone who can Level I Instructor
Training Methods Learner Tries Maintain a fun and relaxed environment Assess learner’s ability to successfully and safely perform the skill Make appropriate adjustments to enable them to be successful – provide sticks, stabilizers or information on semi-upright delivery as necessary Keep the duct tape handy! Level I Instructor
Training Methods Instructor Provides Feedback Find something they did well to comment on first Be positive and constructive Give one suggestion for improvement for them to try the next time Demonstrate again if necessary Keep comments positive! Level I Instructor
Training Methods Practice Provide sufficient time for the learner to practice the what has been learned As appropriate, use drills or game situations to reinforce instruction Continue to be available to provide feedback and keep learner on track Level I Instructor
Instructor Traps Avoid over-instructing; keep it appropriate for the time period available and the experience of the participants Avoid going off topic—keep instruction back on track (keep a copy of the agenda in your hip pocket) Level I Instructor
More Instructor Traps If you don’t know—say so! Be the “humble” instructor “I’ll find out and get back to you on that.” Keep the group engaged—change the schedule around if you think interest is fading Poor environmental factors Noise and distractions Inadequate space etc. Level I Instructor
Still More Instructor Traps Use ice time wisely! It’s cold out there! Minimize talking time on the ice Keep the group moving and engaged If a participant needs extra help, take him/her aside with another instructor Don’t physically overwork participants Level I Instructor
Novice Curriculum Basics of the game Safety and physical preparation (stretching) Delivery Sweeping Basic etiquette How much of this can be done in the warm room? How would your approach differ for 1 hour “Try Curling” 3 hour “Learn to Curl” 6 week “Curling School” Level I Instructor
Safety and Physical Preparation Demonstrate proper pre-game stretching Demonstrate proper warm-up exercises Use of stretching to show curling delivery Review ice safety, especially use of sliders Level I Instructor
Basics of the Game Purpose of Game (Scoring) Teams and positions Ice elements—field of play Types of shots (Draw and Take Out) Game flow, ends and game lengths Level I Instructor
Stepping on the Ice Ensure participants have proper, clean footwear, and grippers Review safety (stepping on and off ice) Distribute brooms and sliders Quickly review field of play and lines Other? Level I Instructor
Delivery—General Flat foot—no lift PDS—Press, Draw Back, Slide ABC’s of a good delivery Alignment Balance Curl (Grip, Turn & Release) Power generators & delivery cadence Level I Instructor
Power Generators Leg drive Body drop/forward momentum Arm extension Level I Instructor
Delivery—Balance Balance is key part of delivery! Work up slowly Training wheels – simple, short slide with broom flat on ice (perpendicular to center line) or stabilizing device Delivery with no stone (hand elevated) Normal delivery with stone Level I Instructor
Delivery—Alignment Align body and stone toward skip’s broom Hack set-up position Practice slides Alignment drills—toward cups and through cups Level I Instructor
Delivery—Curl (Release) Grip, Turn, & Release “A million dollar slide and a two cent release = a two cent shot.” Wrist above Handle—fingers together and pointing down Cradle handle between 2nd and 3rd knuckles Hand positioned over center of rotation of stone Level I Instructor
Delivery—Curl (Release) Rotate handle to 10:00 or 2:00 position Last 4 ft of slide—rotate handle toward 12:00 & release with hand in handshake position at level of handle 2 ½ revolutions down the sheet is ideal Describe skip’s sign language for turn Practice across sheet with partner using skip broom & signal Level I Instructor
Delivery—Put It All Together Forward press Rock back, hips up and back, & sliding foot back Rock forward, sliding foot forward & centered under chest, slide toward broom Turn & release Cadence: press, rock-foot, rock-foot, slide Level I Instructor
Sweeping Explain why cleans and warms the ice rocks travel farther and straighter (not faster) Explain mechanics of sweeping – pressure & velocity Emphasize safety look down the ice, avoid rocks in play if you can’t keep up, back off and let it go Explain burned stones (running and stationary) Level I Instructor
Sweeping Explain positioning of sweepers Explain sweeping signals (voice commands, hand signals) Explain who decides when to sweep on draws, take-outs Question: How many people can sweep? (Is this effective?) Level I Instructor
Basic Strategy Don’t over-instruct here! “Club strategy” vs. “Elite strategy” Shot choice—novice curlers keep more rocks in play with lower weight shots Level I Instructor
HISEA Hammer Ice conditions Score End Ability Level I Instructor
Etiquette Self-policing Be ready when it’s your turn Stay out of the way Quiet and still during other’s deliveries Spirit of Curling - Shake hands before and after game Level I Instructor
Playing a Game Separate players into teams, assign positions Have teams shake hands and wish each other good curling! Decide hammer with coin flip (thirds or leads, depending) Level I Instructor
Playing a Game Have an instructor at each end House instructor helps skips and thirds understand how to call shots, give signals etc. Instructor at throwing end ensures participants are ready to go (including sweepers), players understand shot called, turn, delivery, where to go next, etc. Level I Instructor
Playing a Game Have fun! Celebrate rocks in the house! Explain scoring after first end Explain how to use the scoreboard Players shake hands and thank each other for a good game! Level I Instructor
Stepping Off the Ice Thank attendees for participation Congratulate them on their achievements Provide participants with instructional & promotional materials “Close the sale”—what would you like participants to do now? Level I Instructor
Acknowledgement & Thanks to GNCC Members Mary Jane Walsh Roger Rowlett Level I Instructor
Wrap-Up Level I Instructor Exam Certification Process Clinic Evaluation Final Questions? Level I Instructor